Source code for bs_ds.prettypandas

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""A collection of function to change the aesthetics of Pandas DataFrames using CSS, html, and pandas styling."""
# from IPython.display import HTML
# import pandas as pd
[docs]def hover(hover_color="gold"): """DataFrame Styler: Called by highlight to highlight row below cursor. Changes html background color. Parameters: hover_Color """ from IPython.display import HTML return dict(selector="tr:hover", props=[("background-color", "%s" % hover_color)])
[docs]def highlight(df,hover_color="gold"): """DataFrame Styler: Highlight row when hovering. Accept and valid CSS colorname as hover_color. """ styles = [ hover(hover_color), dict(selector="th", props=[("font-size", "115%"), ("text-align", "center")]), dict(selector="caption", props=[("caption-side", "bottom")]) ] html = ( .set_caption("Hover to highlight.")) return html
[docs]def color_true_green(val): """DataFrame Styler: Changes text color to green if value is True Ex: style_df = style_df #to display""" color='green' if val==True else 'black' return f'color: {color}'
# Style dataframe for easy visualization
[docs]def color_scale_columns(df,matplotlib_cmap = "Greens",subset=None,): """DataFrame Styler: Takes a df, any valid matplotlib colormap column names ( and returns a dataframe with a gradient colormap applied to column values. Example: df_styled = color_scale_columns(df,cmap = "YlGn",subset=['Columns','to','color']) Parameters: ----------- df: DataFrame containing columns to style. subset: Names of columns to color-code. cmap: Any matplotlib colormap. Returns: ---------- df_style: styled dataframe. """ from IPython.display import display import seaborn as sns cm = matplotlib_cmap # cm = sns.light_palette("green", as_cmap=True) df_style =,subset=subset)#,low=results.min(),high=results.max()) # Display styled dataframe # display(df_style) return df_style
[docs]def make_CSS(show=False): CSS=""" table td{ text-align: center; } table th{ background-color: black; color: white; font-family:serif; font-size:1.2em; } table td{ font-size:1.05em; font-weight:75; } table td, th{ text-align: center; } table caption{ text-align: center; font-size:1.2em; color: black; font-weight: bold; font-style: italic } """ if show==True: from pprint import pprint pprint(CSS) return CSS
# CSS=""" # .{ # text-align: center; # } # th{ # background-color: black; # color: white; # font-family:serif; # font-size:1.2em; # } # td{ # font-size:1.05em; # font-weight:75; # } # td, th{ # text-align: center; # } # caption{ # text-align: center; # font-size:1.2em; # color: black; # font-weight: bold; # font-style: italic # } # """ # HTML(f"<style>{CSS}</style>") # CSS = """ # table.dataframe td, table.dataframe th { /* This is for the borders for columns)*/ # border: 2px solid black # border-collapse:collapse; # text-align:center; # } # table.dataframe th { # /*padding:1em 1em;*/ # background-color: #000000; # color: #ffffff; # text-align: center; # font-weight: bold; # font-size: 12pt # font-weight: bold; # padding: 0.5em 0.5em; # } # table.dataframe td:not(:th){ # /*border: 1px solid ##e8e8ea;*/ # /*background-color: ##e8e8ea;*/ # background-color: gainsboro; # text-align: center; # vertical-align: middle; # font-size:10pt; # padding: 0.7em 1em; # /*padding: 0.1em 0.1em;*/ # } # table.dataframe tr:not(:last-child) { # border-bottom: 1px solid gainsboro; # } # table.dataframe { # /*border-collapse: collapse;*/ # background-color: gainsboro; /* This is alternate rows*/ # text-align: center; # border: 2px solid black; # } # table.dataframe th:not(:empty), table.dataframe td{ # border-right: 1px solid white; # text-align: center; # } # # """
[docs]def html_off(): from IPython.display import HTML return HTML('<style>{}</style>'.format(''))
[docs]def html_on(CSS=None, verbose=False): """Applies HTML/CSS styling to all dataframes. 'CSS' variable is created by make_CSS() if not supplied. Verbose =True will display the default CSS code used. Any valid CSS key: value pair can be passed.""" from IPython.display import HTML if CSS==None: CSS = make_CSS() if verbose==True: from pprint import pprint pprint(CSS) return HTML(f"<style>{CSS}</style>")#.format(CSS))
[docs]def display_side_by_side(*args): """Display all input dataframes side by side. Also accept captioned styler df object (df_in ='caption') Modified from Source:""" from IPython.display import display_html import pandas html_str='' for df in args: if type(df) == html_str+= '&nbsp;' html_str+=df.render() else: html_str+=df.to_html() display_html(html_str.replace('table','table style="display:inline"'),raw=True)