Source code for bs_ds.imports

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Convience module. 'from bs_ds.imports import *' will pre-load pd,np,plt,mpl,sns"""
# import_dict = {'pandas':'pd',
#                 'numpy':'np',
#                 'matplotlib':'mpl',
#                 'matplotlib.pyplot':'plt',
#                 'seaborn':'sns',
#                 'bs_ds':'bs'
#               }
# for package, handle in import_dict.items():
#     exec(f'import {package} as {handle}')

# from IPython.display import display
# # from IPython.display import HTML

# df_imported= pd.DataFrame.from_dict(import_dict,orient='index')
# df_imported.columns=['Module/Package Handle']

# from .prettypandas import html_on, make_CSS,html_off
# display(df_imported)

# import pandas as pd
# from IPython.display import display

# imports_list = [('pandas','pd','High performance data structures and tools'),
#                 ('numpy','np','scientific computing with Python'),
#                 ('matplotlib','mpl',"Matplotlib's base OOP module with formatting artists"),
#                 ('matplotlib.pyplot','plt',"Matplotlib's matlab-like plotting module"),
#                 ('seaborn','sns',"High-level data visualization library based on matplotlib"),
#                 ('bs_ds','bs','Custom data science bootcamp student package')]

# for package_tuple in imports_list:
#     package=package_tuple[0]
#     handle=package_tuple[1]
#     exec(f'import {package} as {handle}')

# df_imported= pd.DataFrame(imports_list,columns=['Package','Handle','Description'])
# display(df_imported.sort_values('Package').style.hide_index().set_caption('Loaded Packages and Handles'))

[docs]def import_packages(import_list_of_tuples = None, display_table=True): #append_to_default_list=True, imports_have_description = True): """Uses the exec function to load in a list of tuples with: [('module','md','example generic tuple item')] formatting. >> Default imports_list: [('pandas', 'pd', 'High performance data structures and tools'), ('numpy', 'np', 'scientific computing with Python'), ('matplotlib', 'mpl', "Matplotlib's base OOP module with formatting artists"), ('matplotlib.pyplot', 'plt', "Matplotlib's matlab-like plotting module"), ('seaborn', 'sns', "High-level data visualization library based on matplotlib"), ('bs_ds','bs','Custom data science bootcamp student package')] """ # import_list=[] from IPython.display import display import pandas as pd # if using default import list, create it: if (import_list_of_tuples is None): #or (append_to_default_list is True): import_list = [('pandas','pd','High performance data structures and tools'), ('numpy','np','scientific computing with Python'), ('matplotlib','mpl',"Matplotlib's base OOP module with formatting artists"), ('matplotlib.pyplot','plt',"Matplotlib's matlab-like plotting module"), ('seaborn','sns',"High-level data visualization library based on matplotlib"), ('bs_ds','bs','Custom data science bootcamp student package')] # if using own list, rename to 'import_list' else: import_list = import_list_of_tuples # if (import_list_of_tuples is not None) and (append_to_default_list is True): # [import_list.append(mod) for mod in import_list_of_tuples] def global_imports(modulename,shortname = None, asfunction = False): """from stackoverflow:,""" from importlib import import_module if shortname is None: shortname = modulename if asfunction is False: globals()[shortname] = import_module(modulename) #__import__(modulename) else: globals()[shortname] = eval(modulename + "." + shortname) # Use exec command to create global handle variables and then load in package as that handle for package_tuple in import_list: package=package_tuple[0] handle=package_tuple[1] # old way: # exec(f'import {package} as {handle}') global_imports(package,handle) # Display summary dataframe if display_table==True: ## Create Columns Names List # if imports_have_description==False: # columns=['Package','Handle'] # else: # columns=['Package','Handle','Description'] # create and return styled dataframe columns=['Package','Handle','Description'] df_imported= pd.DataFrame(import_list, columns=columns) dfs = df_imported.sort_values('Package').style.hide_index().set_caption('Loaded Packages and Handles') display(dfs) # or just print statement else: return print('Modules successfully loaded.')
import_packages() # print('To disable styled DataFrames run html_off() at the bottom of any cell.\n To re-enable use html_on() at the bottom of any cell.') # def sidebar(): # side_jss = function(){let e=document.querySelector(,t=document.querySelector( .module%E2%80%9D),l=document.querySelector(,s=document.querySelector(;,,,,,,})(); # # bundle_path = os.path.join(os.path.split(__file__)[0], "resources", "bundle.js") # # with, encoding="utf-8") as f: # # bundle_data = # # logo_path = os.path.join(os.path.split(__file__)[0], "resources", "logoSmallGray.png") # # with open(logo_path, "rb") as f: # # logo_data = # # logo_data = base64.b64encode(logo_data).decode('utf-8') # display(HTML("<script>{side_jss}</script>")) # #"<div align='center'><img src='data:image/png;base64,{logo_data}' /></div>".format(logo_data=logo_data) + # #"<script>{bundle_data}</script>".format(bundle_data=bundle_data) # #)) # html_on()