Source code for bs_ds.capstone

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

[docs]def reload(mod): """Reloads the module from file. Example: import my_functions_from_file as mf # after editing the source file: # mf.reload(mf)""" from importlib import reload import sys print(f'Reloading...\n') return reload(mod)
[docs]def ihelp(function_or_mod, show_help=True, show_code=True,return_code=False,markdown=True,file_location=False): """Call on any module or functon to display the object's help command printout AND/OR soruce code displayed as Markdown using Python-syntax""" import inspect from IPython.display import display, Markdown page_header = '---'*28 footer = '---'*28+'\n' if show_help: print(page_header) banner = ''.join(["---"*2,' HELP ',"---"*24,'\n']) print(banner) help(function_or_mod) # print(footer) import sys if "google.colab" in sys.modules: markdown=False if show_code: print(page_header) banner = ''.join(["---"*2,' SOURCE -',"---"*23]) print(banner) try: import inspect source_DF = inspect.getsource(function_or_mod) if markdown == True: output = "```python" +'\n'+source_DF+'\n'+"```" display(Markdown(output)) else: print(source_DF) except TypeError: pass # display(Markdown) if file_location: file_loc = inspect.getfile(function_or_mod) banner = ''.join(["---"*2,' FILE LOCATION ',"---"*21]) print(page_header) print(banner) print(file_loc) # print(footer) if return_code: return source_DF
[docs]def ihelp_menu(function_names,show_help=False,show_source=True): """Accepts a list of functions or function_names as strings. if show_help: display `help(function`. if show_source: retreive source code and display as proper markdown syntax""" from ipywidgets import interact, interactive, interactive_output import ipywidgets as widgets from IPython.display import display # from functions_combined_BEST import ihelp import inspect import pandas as pd if isinstance(function_names,list)==False: function_names = [function_names] functions_dict = dict() for fun in function_names: if isinstance(fun, str): # module = functions_dict[fun] = eval(fun) elif inspect.isfunction(fun): members= inspect.getmembers(fun) member_df = pd.DataFrame(members,columns=['param','values']).set_index('param') fun_name = member_df.loc['__name__'].values[0] functions_dict[fun_name] = fun ## Check boxes check_help = widgets.Checkbox(description='show help(function)',value=True) check_source = widgets.Checkbox(description='show source code)',value=True) check_boxes = widgets.HBox(children=[check_help,check_source]) ## dropdown menu (dropdown, label, button) dropdown = widgets.Dropdown(options=list(functions_dict.keys())) label = widgets.Label('Function Menu') button = widgets.ToggleButton(description='Show/hide',value=False) menu = widgets.HBox(children=[label,dropdown,button]) full_layout = widgets.GridBox(children=[menu,check_boxes],box_style='warning') # out=widgets.Output(layout={'border':'1 px solid black'}) def dropdown_event(change): show_ihelp( dropdown.observe(dropdown_event,names='values') def button_event(change): button_state = if button_state: button.description # show_ihelp(display_help=button_state) button.observe(button_event) show_output = widgets.Output() def show_ihelp(display_help=button,function=dropdown.value,show_help=check_help.value,show_code=check_source.value): from IPython.display import display show_output.clear_output() if display_help: if isinstance(function, str): # with show_output: # ihelp(eval(function),show_help=show_help,show_code=show_code) display(ihelp(eval(function),show_help=show_help,show_code=show_code)) else: display(ihelp(function,show_help=show_help,show_code=show_code)) else: display('Press show to display ') # show_output.clear_output() output = widgets.interactive_output(show_ihelp,{'display_help':button, 'function':dropdown, 'show_help':check_help, 'show_code':check_source}) # with out: # with show_output: display(full_layout, output)#,show_output)
################################################### ADDITIONAL NLP ##################################################### ## Adding in stopword removal to the actual dataframe
[docs]def make_stopwords_list(incl_punc=True, incl_nums=True, add_custom= ['http','https','...','…','``','co','“','’','‘','”',"n't","''",'u','s',"'s",'|','\\|','amp',"i'm"]): from nltk.corpus import stopwords import string stopwords_list = stopwords.words('english') if incl_punc==True: stopwords_list += list(string.punctuation) stopwords_list += add_custom #['http','https','...','…','``','co','“','’','‘','”',"n't","''",'u','s',"'s",'|','\\|','amp',"i'm"] if incl_nums==True: stopwords_list += [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9] return stopwords_list
[docs]def apply_stopwords(stopwords_list, text, tokenize=True,return_tokens=False, pattern = "([a-zA-Z]+(?:'[a-z]+)?)"): """EX: df['text_stopped'] = df['content'].apply(lambda x: apply_stopwords(stopwords_list,x))""" from nltk import regexp_tokenize pattern = "([a-zA-Z]+(?:'[a-z]+)?)" if tokenize==True: from nltk import regexp_tokenize text = regexp_tokenize(text,pattern) stopped = [x.lower() for x in text if x.lower() not in stopwords_list] if return_tokens==True: return regexp_tokenize(' '.join(stopped),pattern) else: return ' '.join(stopped)
[docs]def empty_lists_to_strings(x): """Takes a series and replaces any empty lists with an empty string instead.""" if len(x)==0: return ' ' else: return ' '.join(x) #' '.join(tokens)
[docs]def load_raw_twitter_file(filename = 'data/trump_tweets_01202017_06202019.csv', date_as_index=True,rename_map={'text':'content','created_at':'date'}): import pandas as pd df = pd.read_csv(filename, encoding='utf-8') mapper=rename_map df.rename(axis=1,mapper=mapper,inplace=True) df['date']=pd.to_datetime(df['date']) if date_as_index==True: df.set_index('date',inplace=True,drop=False) # df.head() return df
## NEW 07/11/19 - function for all sentiment analysis
[docs]def full_sentiment_analysis(twitter_df, source_column='content_min_clean',separate_cols=True):#, plot_results=True): from nltk.sentiment.vader import SentimentIntensityAnalyzer sid = SentimentIntensityAnalyzer() source_column='content_min_clean' twitter_df['sentiment_scores'] = twitter_df[source_column].apply(lambda x: sid.polarity_scores(x)) twitter_df['compound_score'] = twitter_df['sentiment_scores'].apply(lambda dict: dict['compound']) twitter_df['sentiment_class'] = twitter_df['compound_score'].apply(lambda score: 'pos' if score >=0 else 'neg') # Separate result dictionary into columns (optional) if separate_cols==True: # Separate Scores into separate columns in df twitter_df_out = get_group_sentiment_scores(twitter_df) else: twitter_df_out = twitter_df # # plot results (optional) # if plot_results==True: # print("RESULTS OF SENTIMENT ANALYSIS BINARY CLASSIFICATION:\n",'-'*60) # # Normalized % of troll sentiment classes # plot_sent_class = twitter_df_out['sentiment_class'].value_counts() # plot_sent_class_norm = plot_sent_class/(sum(plot_sent_class)) # print('\tNormalized Troll Classes:\n',plot_sent_class_norm) # with'seaborn-notebook'): # boxplot = df_sents.boxplot(column=['neg','neu','pos'],notch=True,figsize=(6,4)) # boxplot.set_xticklabels(['Negative','Neutral','Positive']); # boxplot.set_title('Sentiment Scores By Word Type') # boxplot.set_ylabel('Sentiment Score') return twitter_df_out
# Write a function to extract the group scores from the dataframe
[docs]def get_group_sentiment_scores(df, score_col='sentiment_scores'): import pandas as pd series_df = df[score_col] series_neg = series_df.apply(lambda x: x['neg']) series_pos = series_df.apply(lambda x: x['pos']) series_neu = series_df.apply(lambda x: x['neu'])'neg''pos''neu' df = pd.concat([df,series_neg,series_neu,series_pos],axis=1) return df
[docs]def full_twitter_df_processing(df,raw_tweet_col='content', cleaned_tweet_col='content', case_ratio_col='content_min_clean', sentiment_analysis_col='content_min_clean', RT=True, urls=True, hashtags=True, mentions=True, str_tags_mentions=True,stopwords_list=[], force=False): """Accepts df_full, which contains the raw tweets to process, the raw_col name, the column to fill. If force=False, returns error if the fill_content_col already exists. Processing Workflow:1) Create has_RT, starts_RT columns. 2) Creates [fill_content_col,`content_min_clean`] cols after removing 'RT @mention:' and urls. 3) Removes hashtags from fill_content_col and saves hashtags in new col. 4) Removes mentions from fill_content_col and saves to new column.""" # Save 'hashtags' column containing all hastags import re from nltk import regexp_tokenize pattern = "([a-zA-Z]+(?:'[a-z]+)?)" track_fill_content_col=0 fill_content_col = cleaned_tweet_col if force==False: if cleaned_tweet_col in df.columns: raise Exception(f'{fill_content_col} already exists. To overwrite, set force=True.') # if raw_tweet_col == cleaned_tweet_col: # raw_tweets = 'content_raw' # df[raw_tweets] = df[tweet_col].copy() if RT ==True: # Creating columns for tweets that `has_RT` or `starts_RT` df['has_RT']=df[raw_tweet_col].str.contains('RT') df['starts_RT']=df[raw_tweet_col].str.contains('^RT') ## FIRST REMOVE THE RT HEADERS # Remove `RT @Mentions` FIRST: re_RT = re.compile('RT [@]?\w*:') check_content_col = raw_tweet_col fill_content_col = cleaned_tweet_col df['content_starts_RT'] = df[check_content_col].apply(lambda x: re_RT.findall(x)) df[fill_content_col] = df[check_content_col].apply(lambda x: re_RT.sub(' ',x)) track_fill_content_col+=1 if urls==True: ## SECOND REMOVE URLS # Remove urls with regex urls = re.compile(r"(http[s]?://\w*\.\w*/+\w+)") if track_fill_content_col==0: check_content_col = raw_tweet_col else: check_content_col = fill_content_col fill_content_col = fill_content_col # df_full['content_urls'] = df_full[check_content_col].apply(lambda x: urls.findall(x)) df[fill_content_col] = df[check_content_col].apply(lambda x: urls.sub(' ',x)) ## SAVE THIS MINIMALLY CLEANED CONTENT AS 'content_min_clean' df['content_min_clean'] = df[fill_content_col] track_fill_content_col+=1 if hashtags==True: if track_fill_content_col==0: check_content_col = raw_tweet_col else: check_content_col = fill_content_col fill_content_col = fill_content_col ## REMOVE AND SAVE HASHTAGS, MENTIONS # Remove and save Hashtags hashtags = re.compile(r'\#\w*') df['content_hashtags'] = df[check_content_col].apply(lambda x: hashtags.findall(x)) df[fill_content_col] = df[check_content_col].apply(lambda x: hashtags.sub(' ',x)) track_fill_content_col+=1 if str_tags_mentions==True: df['hashtag_strings'] = df['content_hashtags'].apply(lambda x: empty_lists_to_strings(x)) if mentions==True: if track_fill_content_col==0: check_content_col = raw_tweet_col else: check_content_col = fill_content_col fill_content_col = fill_content_col # Remove and save mentions (@)'s mentions = re.compile(r'\@\w*') df['content_mentions'] = df[check_content_col].apply(lambda x: mentions.findall(x)) df[fill_content_col] = df[check_content_col].apply(lambda x: mentions.sub(' ',x)) track_fill_content_col+=1 if str_tags_mentions==True: df['mention_strings'] = df['content_mentions'].apply(lambda x: empty_lists_to_strings(x)) # Creating content_stopped columns and then tokens_stopped column stop_col_name = fill_content_col+'_stop' stop_tok_col_name = fill_content_col+'_stop_tokens' if len(stopwords_list)==0: stopwords_list=make_stopwords_list() df[stop_col_name] = df[fill_content_col].apply(lambda x: apply_stopwords(stopwords_list,x,tokenize=True, return_tokens=False, pattern=pattern)) df[stop_tok_col_name] = df[stop_col_name].apply(lambda x: apply_stopwords(stopwords_list,x,tokenize=True, return_tokens=True, pattern=pattern)) ## Case Ratio Calculation (optional) if case_ratio_col is not None: df['case_ratio'] = df[case_ratio_col].apply(lambda x: case_ratio(x)) ## Sentiment Analysis (optional) if sentiment_analysis_col is not None: df = full_sentiment_analysis(df,source_column=sentiment_analysis_col,separate_cols=True) df.sort_index(inplace=True) return df
[docs]def case_ratio(msg): """Accepts a twitter message (or used with .apply(lambda x:)). Returns the ratio of capitalized characters out of the total number of characters. EX: df['case_ratio'] = df['text'].apply(lambda x: case_ratio(x))""" import numpy as np msg_length = len(msg) test_upper = [1 for x in msg if x.isupper()] test_lower = [1 for x in msg if x.islower()] test_ratio = np.round(sum(test_upper)/msg_length,5) return test_ratio
#################################################### STOCK ##############################################################
[docs]def twitter_column_report(twitter_df, decision_map=None, sort_column=None, ascending=True, interactive=True): from ipywidgets import interact import pandas as pd df_dtypes=pd.DataFrame() df_dtypes = pd.DataFrame({'Column #': range(len(twitter_df.columns)),'Column Name':twitter_df.columns, 'Data Types':twitter_df.dtypes.astype('str')}).set_index('Column Name') #.set_index('Column Name') decision_map = {'object':'join','int64':'sum','bool':'to_list()?','float64':'drop and recalculate'} df_dtypes['Action'] = df_dtypes['Data Types'].map(decision_map)#column_list #'DF Columns, Dtypes, and Course of Action') if sort_column is not None: df_dtypes.sort_values(by =sort_column,ascending=ascending, axis=0, inplace=True) if interactive==False: return df_dtypes else: @interact(column= df_dtypes.columns,direction={'ascending':True,'descending':False}) def sort_df(column, direction): return df_dtypes.sort_values(by=column,axis=0,ascending=direction)
# def make_half_hour_range(twitter_df): # """Takes a df, rounds first timestamp down to nearest hour, last timestamp rounded up to hour. # Creates 30 minute intervals based that encompass all data.""" # import pandas as pd # # Get timebin before the first timestamp that starts at 30m into the hour # ofst_30m_early=pd.offsets.Minute(-30) # start_idx = ofst_30m_early(twitter_df['date'].iloc[0].floor('H')) # # Get timbin after last timestamp that starts 30m into the hour. # ofst_30m_late =pd.offsets.Minute(30) # end_idx= ofst_30m_late(twitter_df['date'].iloc[-1].ceil('H')) # # Make time bins using the above start and end points # half_hour_range = pd.date_range(start =start_idx, end = end_idx, freq='30T')#.to_period() # half_hour_intervals = pd.interval_range(start=start_idx, end=end_idx,freq='30T',name='half_hour_bins',closed='left') # return half_hour_intervals
[docs]def make_time_index_intervals(twitter_df,col ='date', start=None,end=None, freq='CBH',num_offset=1): """Takes a df, rounds first timestamp down to nearest hour, last timestamp rounded up to hour. Creates 30 minute intervals based that encompass all data.""" import pandas as pd if freq=='CBH': freq=pd.offsets.CustomBusinessHour(n=num_offset,start='09:30',end='16:30') ofst = pd.offsets.CustomBusinessHour(n=num_offset,start='09:30',end='16:30') #freq=custom_BH_freq() ofst_early = pd.offsets.CustomBusinessHour(n=-num_offset,start='09:30',end='16:30') #freq=custom_BH_freq() if freq=='T': ofst = pd.offsets.Minute(n=num_offset) ofst_early = pd.offsets.Minute(n=-num_offset) if freq=='H': ofst = pd.offsets.Hour(n=num_offset) ofst_early=pd.offsets.Hour(n=-num_offset) if start is None: # Get timebin before the first timestamp that starts start_idx = ofst.rollback(twitter_df[col].iloc[0])#.floor('H')) else: start_idx = pd.to_datetime(start) if end is None: # Get timbin after last timestamp that starts 30m into the hour. end_idx= ofst.rollforward(twitter_df[col].iloc[-1])#.ceil('H')) else: end_idx = pd.to_datetime(end) # Make time bins using the above start and end points time_range = pd.date_range(start =start_idx, end = end_idx, freq=freq)#.to_period() time_intervals = pd.interval_range(start=start_idx, end=end_idx,freq=freq,name='interval_index',closed='left') return time_intervals
[docs]def int_to_ts(int_list, as_datetime=False, as_str=True): """Accepts one Panda's interval and returns the left and right ends as either strings or Timestamps.""" import pandas as pd if as_datetime & as_str: raise Exception('Only one of `as_datetime`, or `as_str` can be True.') left_edges =[] right_edges= [] for interval in int_list: int_str = interval.__str__()[1:-1] left,right = int_str.split(',') left_edges.append(left) right_edges.append(right) if as_str: return left_edges, right_edges elif as_datetime: left = pd.to_datetime(left) right = pd.to_datetime(right) return left,right
# Step 1:
[docs]def bin_df_by_date_intervals(test_df,time_intervals,column='date'): """Uses pd.cut with half_hour_intervals on specified column. Creates a dictionary/map of integer bin codes. Adds column"int_bins" with int codes. Adds column "left_edge" as datetime object representing the beginning of the time interval. Returns the updated test_df and a list of bin_codes.""" import pandas as pd # Cut The Date column into interval bins, cut_date = pd.cut(test_df[column], bins=time_intervals)#,labels=list(range(len(half_hour_intervals))), retbins=True) test_df['int_times'] = cut_date # convert to str to be used as group names/codes unique_bins = cut_date.astype('str').unique() num_code = list(range(len(unique_bins))) # Dictioanry of number codes to be used for interval groups bin_codes = dict(zip(num_code,unique_bins))#.astype('str') # Mapper dictionary to convert intervals into number codes bin_codes_mapper = {v:k for k,v in bin_codes.items()} # Add column to the dataframe, then map integer code onto it test_df['int_bins'] = test_df['int_times'].astype('str').map(bin_codes_mapper) # Get the left edge of the bins to use later as index (after grouped) left_out, _ =int_to_ts(test_df['int_times'])#.apply(lambda x: int_to_ts(x)) test_df['left_edge'] = pd.to_datetime(left_out) # bin codes to labels bin_codes = [(k,v) for k,v in bin_codes.items()] return test_df, bin_codes
[docs]def concatenate_group_data(group_df_or_series): """Accepts a series or dataframe from a groupby.get_group() loop. Adds TweetFreq column for # of rows concatenate. If input is series, TweetFreq=1 and series is returned.""" import pandas as pd from pandas.api import types as tp if isinstance(group_df_or_series, pd.Series): group_data = group_df_or_series # group_data.index = group_df_or_series.index group_data['TweetFreq'] = 1 return group_data # if the group is a dataframe: elif isinstance(group_df_or_series, pd.DataFrame): df = group_df_or_series # create an output series to collect combined data group_data = pd.Series(index=df.columns) group_data['TweetFreq'] = df.shape[0] for col in df.columns: combined=[] col_data = [] col_data = df[col] combined=col_data.values group_data[col] = combined return group_data
#***# # def collapse_df_by_group_indices(twitter_df,group_indices, new_col_order=None): # """Loops through the group_indices provided to concatenate each group into # a single row and combine into one dataframe with the ______ as the index""" # import pandas as pd # # Create a Panel to temporarily hold the group series and dataframes # # group_dict_to_df = {} # # create a dataframe with same columns as twitter_df, and index=group ids from twitter_groups # group_df_index = [x[0] for x in group_indices] # twitter_grouped = pd.DataFrame(columns=twitter_df.columns, index=group_df_index) # twitter_grouped['TweetFreq'] =0 # for (idx,group_members) in group_indices: # group_df = twitter_df.loc[group_members] # combined_series = concatenate_group_data(group_df) # # twitter_grouped.loc[idx,:] = combined_series # twitter_grouped.loc[idx] = combined_series#.values # if new_col_order==None: # return twitter_grouped # else: # df_out = twitter_grouped[new_col_order].copy() # df_out.index = group_df_index#twitter_grouped.index # return df_out
[docs]def collapse_df_by_group_index_col(twitter_df,group_index_col='int_bins', new_col_order=None): """Loops through the group_indices provided to concatenate each group into a single row and combine into one dataframe with the ______ as the index""" import pandas as pd # Create a Panel to temporarily hold the group series and dataframes # group_dict_to_df = {} # create a dataframe with same columns as twitter_df, and index=group ids from twitter_groups group_indices = twitter_df.groupby(group_index_col).groups group_indices = [(k,v) for k,v in group_indices.items()] group_df_index = [x[0] for x in group_indices] # Create empty shell of twitter_grouped dataframe twitter_grouped = pd.DataFrame(columns=twitter_df.columns, index=group_df_index) twitter_grouped['TweetFreq'] =0 # Loop through each group_indices for (idx,group_members) in group_indices: group_df = twitter_df.loc[group_members] # Call on concatenate_group_data to handle the merging of rows combined_series = concatenate_group_data(group_df) # twitter_grouped.loc[idx,:] = combined_series twitter_grouped.loc[idx] = combined_series#.values # Update Column order, if requested, otherwise return twitter_grouped if new_col_order==None: return twitter_grouped else: df_out = twitter_grouped[new_col_order].copy() df_out.index = group_df_index#twitter_grouped.index return df_out
[docs]def load_stock_price_series(filename='IVE_bidask1min.txt', folderpath='data/', start_index = '2017-01-23', freq='T'): import pandas as pd import numpy as np from IPython import display # Load in the text file and set headers fullfilename= folderpath+filename headers = ['Date','Time','BidOpen','BidHigh','BidLow','BidClose','AskOpen','AskHigh','AskLow','AskClose'] stock_df = pd.read_csv(fullfilename, names=headers,parse_dates=True,usecols=['Date','Time','BidClose']) # Create datetime index date_time_index = stock_df['Date']+' '+stock_df['Time'] date_time_index = pd.to_datetime(date_time_index) stock_df.index=date_time_index # Select only the days after start_index stock_df = stock_df[start_index:] stock_price = stock_df['BidClose'].rename('stock_price') stock_price[stock_price==0] = np.nan return stock_price
[docs]def load_twitter_df(overwrite=True,set_index='time_index',verbose=2,replace_na=''): import pandas as pd from IPython.display import display # try: twitter_df # except NameError: twitter_df = None # if twitter_df is not None: # print('twitter_df already exists.') # if overwrite==True: # print('Overwrite=True. deleting original...') # del(twitter_df) # if twitter_df is None: print('loading twitter_df') twitter_df = pd.read_csv('data/trump_twitter_archive_df.csv', encoding='utf-8', parse_dates=True) twitter_df.drop('Unnamed: 0',axis=1,inplace=True) twitter_df['date'] = pd.to_datetime(twitter_df['date']) twitter_df['time_index'] = twitter_df['date'].copy() twitter_df.set_index(set_index,inplace=True,drop=True) # Fill in missing values before merging with stock data twitter_df.fillna(replace_na, inplace=True) twitter_df.sort_index(ascending=True, inplace=True) # RECASTING A COUPLE COLUMNS twitter_df['is_retweet'] = twitter_df['is_retweet'].astype('bool') twitter_df['id_str'] = twitter_df['id_str'].astype('str') twitter_df['sentiment_class'] = twitter_df['sentiment_class'].astype('category') # twitter_df.reset_index(inplace=True) # Check header and daterange of index if verbose>0: display(twitter_df.head(2)) print(twitter_df.index[[0,-1]]) return twitter_df
#################### GENERAL HELPER FUNCTIONS #####################
[docs]def is_var(name): x=[] try: eval(name) except NameError: x = None if x is None: return False else: return True
#################### TIMEINDEX FUNCTIONS #####################
[docs]def custom_BH_freq(): import pandas as pd CBH = pd.tseries.offsets.CustomBusinessHour(start='09:30',end='16:30') return CBH
[docs]def get_day_window_size_from_freq(dataset, CBH=custom_BH_freq()):#, freq='CBH'): if dataset.index.freq == CBH: #custom_BH_freq(): day_window_size = 7 elif dataset.index.freq=='T': day_window_size = 60*24 elif dataset.index.freq=='BH': day_window_size = 8 elif dataset.index.freq=='H': day_window_size =24 elif dataset.index.freq=='B': day_window_size=1 elif dataset.index.freq=='D': day_window_size=1 else: raise Exception(f'dataset freq={dataset.index.freq}') return day_window_size
[docs]def set_timeindex_freq(ive_df, col_to_fill=None, freq='CBH',fill_method='ffill', verbose=3): #set_tz=True, import pandas as pd import numpy as np from IPython.display import display if verbose>1: # print(f"{'Index When:':>{10}}\t{'Freq:':>{20}}\t{'Index Start:':>{40}}\t{'Index End:':>{40}}") print(f"{'Index When:'}\t{'Freq:'}\t{'Index Start'}\t\t{'Index End:'}") print(f"Pre-Change\t{ive_df.index.freq}\t{ive_df.index[0]}\t{ive_df.index[-1]}") if freq=='CBH': freq=custom_BH_freq() # start_idx = # Change frequency to freq ive_df = ive_df.asfreq(freq,)#'min') # # Set timezone # if set_tz==True: # ive_df.tz_localize() # ive_df.index = ive_df.index.tz_convert('America/New_York') # Report Success / Details if verbose>1: print(f"Post-Change\t{ive_df.index.freq}\t{ive_df.index[0]}\t{ive_df.index[-1]}") ## FILL AND TRACK TIMEPOINTS WITH MISSING DATA # Helper Function for adding column to track the datapoints that were filled def check_null_times(x): import numpy as np if np.isnan(x): return True else: return False ## CREATE A COLUMN TO TRACK ROWS TO BE FILLED # If col_to_fill provided, use that column to create/judge ive_df['filled_timebin'] if col_to_fill!=None: ive_df['filled_timebin'] = ive_df[col_to_fill].apply(lambda x: check_null_times(x))#True if ive_df.isna().any() # if not provided, use all columns and sum results elif col_to_fill == None: # Prefill fol with 0's ive_df['filled_timebin']=0 # loop through all columns and add results of check_null_times from each loop for col in ive_df.columns: if ive_df[col].dtypes=='float64': #ive_df['filled_timebin'] = ive_df[target_col].apply(lambda x: check_null_times(x))#True if ive_df.isna().any() curr_filled_timebin_col = ive_df[col].apply(lambda x: check_null_times(x))#True if ive_df.isna().any() # add results ive_df['filled_timebin'] += curr_filled_timebin_col ive_df['filled_timebin'] = ive_df['filled_timebin'] >0 ## FILL IN NULL VALUES ive_df.fillna(method=fill_method, inplace=True) # Report # filled if verbose>0: check_fill = ive_df.loc[ive_df['filled_timebin']>0] print(f'\nFilled {len(check_fill==True)}# of rows using method {fill_method}') # Report any remaning null values if verbose>0: res = ive_df.isna().sum() if res.any(): print(f'Cols with Nulls:') print(res[res>0]) else: print('No Remaining Null Values') # display header if verbose>2: from IPython.display import display display(ive_df.head()) return ive_df
# Helper Function for adding column to track the datapoints that were filled
[docs]def check_null_times(x): import numpy as np if np.isnan(x): return True else: return False
##################### DATASET LOADING FUNCTIONS #####################
[docs]def load_raw_stock_data_from_txt(filename='IVE_bidask1min.txt', folderpath='data/', start_index = '2016-12-31', clean=True,fill_or_drop_null='drop',fill_method='ffill', freq='CBH',verbose=2): import pandas as pd import numpy as np from IPython.display import display # Load in the text file and set headers fullfilename= folderpath+filename headers = ['Date','Time','BidOpen','BidHigh','BidLow','BidClose','AskOpen','AskHigh','AskLow','AskClose'] stock_df = pd.read_csv(fullfilename, names=headers,parse_dates=True) # Create datetime index date_time_index = (stock_df['Date']+' '+stock_df['Time']).rename('date_time_index') date_time_index = pd.to_datetime(date_time_index) stock_df.set_index(date_time_index, inplace=True) # Select only the days after start_index stock_df = stock_df[start_index:] print(f'\nRestricting stock_df to index {start_index}-forward') # Remove 0's from BidClose if clean==True: print(f"There are {len(stock_df.loc[stock_df['BidClose']==0])} '0' values for 'BidClose'") stock_df.loc[stock_df['BidClose']==0] = np.nan num_null = stock_df['BidClose'].isna().sum() print(f'\tReplaced 0 with np.nan. There are {num_null} null values to address.') if fill_or_drop_null=='drop': print("Since fill_or_drop_null=drop, dropping null values from BidClose.") stock_df.dropna(subset=['BidClose'],axis=0, inplace=True) elif fill_or_drop_null=='fill': print(f"Since fill_or_drop_null=fill, using fill_method={fill_method} to fill BidClose.") stock_df['BidClose'].fillna(method=fill_method, inplace=True) if verbose>0: print(f"Number of 0 values:\n{len(stock_df.loc[stock_df['BidClose']==0])}") print(f"Filling 0 values using method = {fill_method}") # call set_timeindex_freq to specify proper frequency if freq!=None: # Set the time index . print(f'Setting the timeindex to freq{freq}') stock_df = set_timeindex_freq(stock_df, freq=freq, fill_method = fill_method, verbose=verbose) # Display feedback if verbose>0: display(stock_df.head()) if verbose>1: print(stock_df.index[[0,-1]],stock_df.index.freq) return stock_df
[docs]def load_stock_df_from_csv(filename='ive_sp500_min_data_match_twitter_ts.csv', folderpath='/content/drive/My Drive/Colab Notebooks/Mod 5 Project/data/', clean=True,freq='T',fill_method='ffill',verbose=2): import os import pandas as pd import numpy as np from IPython.display import display # check_for_google_drive() # Check if user provided folderpath to append to filename if len(folderpath)>0: fullfilename = folderpath+filename else: fullfilename=filename # load in csv by fullfilename stock_df = pd.read_csv(fullfilename,index_col=0, parse_dates=True) # stock_df = set_timeindex_freq(stock_df,['BidClose'],freq=freq, fill_method=fill_method) if clean==True: if verbose>0: print(f"Number of 0 values:\n{len(stock_df.loc[stock_df['BidClose']==0])}") print(f"Filling 0 values using method = {fill_method}") stock_df.loc[stock_df['BidClose']==0] = np.nan stock_df['BidClose'].fillna(method=fill_method, inplace=True) # Set the time index stock_df = set_timeindex_freq(stock_df,'BidClose',freq=freq, fill_method = fill_method, verbose=verbose) # Display info depending on verbose level if verbose>0: display(stock_df.head()) if verbose>1: print(stock_df.index) return stock_df
[docs]def plot_time_series(stocks_df, freq=None, fill_method='ffill',figsize=(12,4)): df = stocks_df.copy() df.fillna(method=fill_method, inplace=True) df.dropna(inplace=True) if (df.index.freq==None) & (freq == None): xlabels=f'Time' elif (df.index.freq==None) & (freq != None): df = df.asfreq(freq) df.fillna(method=fill_method, inplace=True) df.dropna(inplace=True) xlabels=f'Time - Frequency = {freq}' else: xlabels=f'Time - Frequency = {df.index.freq}' ylabels="Price" raw_plot = df.plot(figsize=figsize) raw_plot.set_title('Stock Bid Closing Price ') raw_plot.set_ylabel(ylabels) raw_plot.set_xlabel(xlabels)
[docs]def stationarity_check(df, col='BidClose', window=80, freq='BH'): """From lesson: use ADFuller Test for Stationary and Plot""" import matplotlib.pyplot as plt TS = df[col].copy() TS = TS.asfreq(freq) TS.fillna(method='ffill',inplace=True) TS.dropna(inplace=True) # Import adfuller from statsmodels.tsa.stattools import adfuller import pandas as pd import numpy as np # Calculate rolling statistics rolmean = TS.rolling(window = window, center = False).mean() rolstd = TS.rolling(window = window, center = False).std() # Perform the Dickey Fuller Test dftest = adfuller(TS) # change the passengers column as required #Plot rolling statistics: fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=1, figsize=(8,4)) ax[0].set_title('Rolling Mean & Standard Deviation') ax[0].plot(TS, color='blue',label='Original') ax[0].plot(rolmean, color='red', label='Rolling Mean',alpha =0.6) ax[1].plot(rolstd, color='black', label = 'Rolling Std') ax[0].legend() ax[1].legend() # plt.tight_layout() # Print Dickey-Fuller test results print ('Results of Dickey-Fuller Test:') print('\tIf p<.05 then timeseries IS stationary.') dfoutput = pd.Series(dftest[0:4], index=['Test Statistic','p-value','#Lags Used','Number of Observations Used']) for key,value in dftest[4].items(): dfoutput['Critical Value (%s)'%key] = value print (dfoutput) return None
[docs]def adf_test(series,title=''): """ Pass in a time series and an optional title, returns an ADF report # UDEMY COURSE ALTERNATIVE TO STATIONARITY CHECK """ from statsmodels.tsa.stattools import adfuller import pandas as pd print(f'Augmented Dickey-Fuller Test: {title}') result = adfuller(series.dropna(),autolag='AIC') # .dropna() handles differenced data labels = ['ADF test statistic','p-value','# lags used','# observations'] out = pd.Series(result[0:4],index=labels) for key,val in result[4].items(): out[f'critical value ({key})']=val print(out.to_string()) # .to_string() removes the line "dtype: float64" if result[1] <= 0.05: print("Strong evidence against the null hypothesis") print("Reject the null hypothesis") print("Data has no unit root and is stationary") else: print("Weak evidence against the null hypothesis") print("Fail to reject the null hypothesis") print("Data has a unit root and is non-stationary")
[docs]def plot_decomposition(TS, decomposition, figsize=(12,8),window_used=None): """ Plot the original data and output decomposed components""" import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib as mpl import numpy as np # Gather the trend, seasonality and noise of decomposed object trend = decomposition.trend seasonal = decomposition.seasonal residual = decomposition.resid fontdict_axlabels = {'fontsize':12}#,'fontweight':'bold'} # Plot gathered statistics fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=4, ncols=1,figsize=figsize) ylabel = 'Original' ax[0].plot(np.log(TS), color="blue") ax[0].set_ylabel(ylabel, fontdict=fontdict_axlabels) ylabel = label='Trend' ax[1].plot(trend, color="blue") ax[1].set_ylabel(ylabel, fontdict=fontdict_axlabels) ylabel='Seasonality' ax[2].plot(seasonal, color="blue") ax[2].set_ylabel(ylabel, fontdict=fontdict_axlabels) ylabel='Residuals' ax[3].plot(residual, color="blue") ax[3].set_ylabel(ylabel, fontdict=fontdict_axlabels) ax[3].set_xlabel('Time', fontdict=fontdict_axlabels) # Add title with window if window_used == None: plt.suptitle('Seasonal Decomposition', y=1.02) else: plt.suptitle(f'Seasonal Decomposition - Window={window_used}', y=1.02) # Adjust aesthetics plt.tight_layout() return ax
[docs]def seasonal_decompose_and_plot(ive_df,col='BidClose',freq='H', fill_method='ffill',window=144, model='multiplicative', two_sided=False, plot_components=True):##WIP: """Perform seasonal_decompose from statsmodels.tsa.seasonal. Plot Output Decomposed Components""" import pandas as pd import numpy as np from statsmodels.tsa.seasonal import seasonal_decompose # TS = ive_df['BidClose'].asfreq('BH') TS = pd.DataFrame(ive_df[col]) TS = TS.asfreq(freq) TS[TS==0]=np.nan TS.fillna(method='ffill',inplace=True) # Perform decomposition decomposition = seasonal_decompose(np.log(TS),freq=window, model=model, two_sided=two_sided) if plot_components==True: ax = plot_decomposition(TS, decomposition, window_used=window) return decomposition
[docs]def make_date_range_slider(start_date,end_date,freq='D'): from ipywidgets import interact, interactive, Label, Box, Layout import ipywidgets as iw from datetime import datetime import pandas as pd # specify the date range from user input dates = pd.date_range(start_date, end_date,freq=freq) # specify formatting based on frequency code date_format_lib={'D':'%m/%d/%Y','H':'%m/%d/%Y: %T'} freq_format = date_format_lib[freq] # creat options list and index for SelectionRangeSlider options = [(date.strftime(date_format_lib[freq]),date) for date in dates] index = (0, len(options)-1) # # Create out function to display outputs (not needed?) # out = iw.Output(layout={'border': '1px solid black'}) # # @out.capture() # Instantiate the date_range_slider date_range_slider = iw.SelectionRangeSlider( options=options, index=index, description = 'Date Range', orientation = 'horizontal',layout={'width':'500px','grid_area':'main'},#layout=Layout(grid_area='main'), readout=True) # Save the labels for the date_range_slider as separate items date_list = [date_range_slider.label[0], date_range_slider.label[-1]] date_label = iw.Label(f'{date_list[0]} -- {date_list[1]}', layout=Layout(grid_area='header'))
[docs]def get_B_day_time_index_shift(test_df, verbose=1): import pandas as pd import numpy as np fmtYMD= '%Y-%m-%d' test_df['day']= test_df['date'].dt.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') test_df['time'] = test_df['date'].dt.strftime('%T') test_df['dayofweek'] = test_df['date'].dt.day_name() test_df_to_period = test_df[['date','content']] test_df_to_period = test_df_to_period.to_period('B') test_df_to_period['B_periods'] = test_df_to_period.index.values test_df_to_period['B_day'] = test_df_to_period['B_periods'].apply(lambda x: x.strftime(fmtYMD)) test_df['B_day'] = test_df_to_period['B_day'].values test_df['B_shifted']=np.where(test_df['day']== test_df['B_day'],False,True) test_df['B_time'] = np.where(test_df['B_shifted'] == True,'09:30:00', test_df['time']) test_df['B_dt_index'] = pd.to_datetime(test_df['B_day'] + ' ' + test_df['B_time']) test_df['time_shift'] = test_df['B_dt_index']-test_df['date'] if verbose > 0: test_df.head(20) return test_df
[docs]def reorder_twitter_df_columns(twitter_df, order=[]): if len(order)==0: order=['date','dayofweek','B_dt_index','source','content','content_raw','retweet_count','favorite_count','sentiment_scores','time_shift'] twitter_df_out = twitter_df[order] twitter_df_out.index = twitter_df.index return twitter_df_out
[docs]def match_stock_price_to_tweets(tweet_timestamp,time_after_tweet= 30,time_freq ='T',stock_price=[]):#stock_price_index=stock_date_data): import pandas as pd import numpy as np from datetime import datetime as dt # output={'pre_tweet_price': price_at_tweet,'post_tweet_price':price_after_tweet,'delta_price':delta_price, 'delta_time':delta_time} output={} # convert tweet timestamp to minute accuracy ts=[] ts = pd.to_datetime(tweet_timestamp).round(time_freq) BH = pd.tseries.offsets.BusinessHour(start='09:30',end='16:30') BD = pd.tseries.offsets.BusinessDay() # checking if time is within stock_date_data # def roll_B_day_forward(ts): if ts not in stock_price.index: ts = BH.rollforward(ts) if ts not in stock_price.index: return np.nan#"ts2_not_in_index" # Get price at tweet time price_at_tweet = stock_price.loc[ts] if np.isnan(price_at_tweet): output['pre_tweet_price'] = np.nan else: output['pre_tweet_price'] = price_at_tweet # Use timedelta to get desired timepoint following tweet hour_freqs = 'BH','H','CBH' day_freqs = 'B','D' if time_freq=='T': ofst=pd.offsets.Minute(time_after_tweet) elif time_freq in hour_freqs: ofst=pd.offsets.Hour(time_after_tweet) elif time_freq in day_freqs: ofst=pd.offsets.Day(time_after_tweet) # get timestamp to check post-tweet price post_tweet_ts = ofst(ts) if post_tweet_ts not in stock_price.index: # post_tweet_ts =BD.rollforward(post_tweet_ts) post_tweet_ts = BH.rollforward(post_tweet_ts) if post_tweet_ts not in stock_price.index: return np.nan # Get next available stock price price_after_tweet = stock_price.loc[post_tweet_ts] if np.isnan(price_after_tweet): output['post_tweet_price'] = 'NaN in stock_price' else: # calculate change in price delta_price = price_after_tweet - price_at_tweet delta_time = post_tweet_ts - ts output['post_tweet_price'] = price_after_tweet output['delta_time'] = delta_time output['delta_price'] = delta_price # output={'pre_tweet_price': price_at_tweet,'post_tweet_price':price_after_tweet,'delta_price':delta_price, 'delta_time':delta_time} return output
[docs]def unpack_match_stocks(stock_dict): import pandas as pd stock_series = pd.Series(stock_dict) return stock_series
[docs]def my_rmse(y_true,y_pred): """RMSE calculation using keras.backend""" from keras import backend as kb sq_err = kb.square(y_pred - y_true) mse = kb.mean(sq_err,axis=-1) rmse =kb.sqrt(mse) return rmse
[docs]def get_technical_indicators(dataset,make_price_from='BidClose'): import pandas as pd import numpy as np dataset['price'] = dataset[make_price_from].copy() if dataset.index.freq == custom_BH_freq(): days = get_day_window_size_from_freq(dataset)#,freq='CBH') else: days = get_day_window_size_from_freq(dataset) # Create 7 and 21 days Moving Average dataset['ma7'] = dataset['price'].rolling(window=7*days).mean() dataset['ma21'] = dataset['price'].rolling(window=21*days).mean() # Create MACD dataset['26ema'] = dataset['price'].ewm(span=26*days).mean() # dataset['12ema'] = pd.ewma(dataset['price'], span=12) dataset['12ema'] = dataset['price'].ewm(span=12*days).mean() dataset['MACD'] = (dataset['12ema']-dataset['26ema']) # Create Bollinger Bands # dataset['20sd'] = pd.stats.moments.rolling_std(dataset['price'],20) dataset['20sd'] = dataset['price'].rolling(20*days).std() dataset['upper_band'] = dataset['ma21'] + (dataset['20sd']*2) dataset['lower_band'] = dataset['ma21'] - (dataset['20sd']*2) # Create Exponential moving average dataset['ema'] = dataset['price'].ewm(com=0.5).mean() # Create Momentum dataset['momentum'] = dataset['price']-days*1 return dataset
[docs]def plot_technical_indicators(dataset, last_days=90): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib as mpl days = get_day_window_size_from_freq(dataset) fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=1,figsize=(10, 6), dpi=100) # shape_0 = dataset.shape[0] # xmacd_ = shape_0-(days*last_days) dataset = dataset.iloc[-(days*last_days):, :] x_ = range(3, dataset.shape[0]) x_ =list(dataset.index) # Plot first subplot ax[0].plot(dataset['ma7'],label='MA 7', color='g',linestyle='--') ax[0].plot(dataset['price'],label='Closing Price', color='b') ax[0].plot(dataset['ma21'],label='MA 21', color='r',linestyle='--') ax[0].plot(dataset['upper_band'],label='Upper Band', color='c') ax[0].plot(dataset['lower_band'],label='Lower Band', color='c') ax[0].fill_between(x_, dataset['lower_band'], dataset['upper_band'], alpha=0.35) ax[0].set_title('Technical indicators for Goldman Sachs - last {} days.'.format(last_days)) ax[0].set_ylabel('USD') ax[0].legend() # shape_0 = dataset.shape[0] # xmacd_ = shape_0-(days*last_days) # # Plot second subplot # ax[1].set_title('MACD') # ax[1].plot(dataset['MACD'],label='MACD', linestyle='-.') # ax[1].hlines(15, xmacd_, shape_0, colors='g', linestyles='--') # ax[1].hlines(-15, xmacd_, shape_0, colors='g', linestyles='--') # ax[1].plot(dataset['momentum'],label='Momentum', color='b',linestyle='-') # ax[1].legend() plt.delaxes(ax[1])
[docs]def train_test_split_by_last_days(stock_df, periods_per_day=7,num_test_days = 90, num_train_days=180,verbose=1, plot=True): """Takes the last num_test_days of the time index to use as testing data, and take shte num_Trian_days prior to that date as the training data.""" from IPython.display import display import matplotlib.pyplot as plt if verbose>1: print(f'Data index (freq={stock_df.index.freq}') print(f'index[0] = {stock_df.index[0]}, index[-1]={stock_df.index[-1]}') # DETERMINING DAY TO USE TO SPLIT DATA INTO TRAIN AND TEST day_freq = periods_per_day start_train_day = stock_df.index[-1] - (num_train_days+num_test_days )*day_freq last_train_day = stock_df.index[-1] - num_test_days*day_freq # start_train_day = stock_df.index[-1] - num_train_days*day_freq # last_day = stock_df.index[-1] - num_test_days*day_freq train_data = stock_df.loc[start_train_day:last_train_day]#,'price'] test_data = stock_df.loc[last_train_day:]#,'price'] # train_data = stock_df.loc[start_train_day:last_day]#,'price'] # test_data = stock_df.loc[last_day:]#,'price'] if verbose>0: print(f'Data split on index:\t{last_train_day}:') print(f'training dates:\t{train_data.index[0]} \t {train_data.index[-1]}.') print(f'test dates:\t{test_data.index[0]} \t {test_data.index[-1]}.') # print(f'\ttrain_data.shape:\t{train_data.shape}, test_data.shape:{test_data.shape}') if verbose>1: display(train_data.head(3).style.set_caption('Training Data')) display(test_data.head(3).style.set_caption('Test Data')) if plot==True: if 'price' in stock_df.columns: plot_col ='price' elif 'price_labels' in stock_df.columns: plot_col = 'price_labels' fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8,4)) train_data[plot_col].plot(label='Training') test_data[plot_col].plot(label='Test') plt.title('Training and Test Data for S&P500') plt.ylabel('Price') plt.xlabel('Trading Date/Hour') plt.legend() return train_data, test_data
[docs]def make_scaler_library(df,transform=False,columns=[]): """Takes a df and fits a MinMax scaler to the columns specified (default is to use all columns). Returns a dictionary (scaler_library) with keys = columns, and values = its corresponding fit's MinMax Scaler Example Usage: scale_lib, df_scaled = make_scaler_library(df, transform=True) # to get the inverse_transform of a column with a different name: # use `inverse_transform_series` scaler = scale_lib['price'] # get scaler fit to original column of interest price_column = inverse_transform_series(df['price_labels'], scaler) #get the inverse_transformed series back """ from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler scaler_dict = {} scaler_dict['index'] = df.index if len(columns)==0: user_cols = [] columns = df.columns for col in columns: user_cols=columns scaler = MinMaxScaler()[col].values.reshape(-1,1)) scaler_dict[col] = scaler if transform==False: return scaler_dict elif transform==True: df_out = transform_cols_from_library(df, scaler_dict,columns=user_cols) return scaler_dict, df_out
[docs]def transform_cols_from_library(df,scaler_library,inverse=False,columns=[]): """Accepts a df and a scaler_library that was transformed using make_scaler_library. Inverse tansforms listed columns (if columns =[] then all columns) Returns a dataframe with all columns of original df.""" df_out = df.copy() if len(columns)==0: columns = df.columns for col in columns: scaler = scaler_library[col] if hasattr(scaler, 'data_range_')==False: raise Exception(f'The scaler for {col} is not fitted.') if inverse==False: scaled_col = scaler.transform(df[col].values.reshape(-1,1)) elif inverse==True: scaled_col = scaler.inverse_transform(df[col].values.reshape(-1,1)) df_out[col] = scaled_col.ravel() return df_out
[docs]def inverse_transform_series(series, scaler): """Takes a series of df column and a fit scaler. Intended for use with make_scaler_library's dictionary Example Usage: scaler_lib, df_scaled = make_scaler_library(df, transform = True) series_inverse_transformed = inverse_transform_series(df['price_data'],scaler_lib['price']) """ import pandas as pd series_tf = scaler.inverse_transform(series.values.reshape(-1,1)) series_tf = pd.Series(series_tf.ravel(), index = series.index, return series_tf
[docs]def make_X_y_timeseries_data(data,x_window = 35, verbose=2,as_array=True): """Creates an X and Y time sequence trianing set from a pandas Series. - X_train is a an array with x_window # of samples for each row in X_train - y_train is one value per X_train window: the next time point after the X_window. Verbose determines details printed about the contents and shapes of the data. # Example Usage: X_train, y_train = make_X_y_timeseries(df['price'], x_window= 35) print( X_train[0]]): # returns: arr[X1,X2...X35] print(y_train[0]) # returns X36 """ import numpy as np import pandas as pd # Raise warning if null valoues if any(data.isna()): raise Exception('Function does not accept null values') # Optional display of input data shape and range if verbose>0: print(f'Input Range: {np.min(data)} - {np.max(data)}') print(f'Input Shape: {np.shape(data)}\n') # Save the index from the input data time_index_in = data.index time_index = data.index[x_window:] # Create Empty lists to receive binned X_train and y_train data X_train, y_train = [], [] check_time_index = [] # For every possible bin of x_window # of samples # create an X_train row with the X_window # of previous samples # create a y-train row with just one values - the next sample after the X_train window for i in range(x_window, data.shape[0]): check_time_index.append([data.index[i-x_window], data.index[i]]) # Append a list of the past x_window # of timepoints X_train.append(data.iloc[i-x_window:i])#.values) # Append the next single timepoint's data y_train.append(data.iloc[i])#.values) if as_array == True: # Make X_train, y_train into arrays X_train, y_train = np.array(X_train), np.array(y_train) if verbose>0: print(f'\nOutput Shape - X: {X_train.shape}') print(f'Output Shape - y: {y_train.shape}') print(f'\nTimeindex Shape: {np.shape(time_index)}\n\tRange: {time_index[0]}-{time_index[-1]}') print(f'\tFrequency:',time_index.freq) # print(time_index) # print(check_time_index) return X_train, y_train, time_index
[docs]def make_df_timeseries_bins_by_column(df, x_window = 35, verbose=2,one_or_two_dfs = 1): #target_col='price', """ Function will take each column from the dataframe and create a train_data dataset (with X and Y data), with each row in X containing x_window number of observations and y containing the next following observation""" import pandas as pd import numpy as np col_data = {} time_index_for_df = [] for col in df.columns: col_data[col] = {} col_bins, col_labels, col_idx = make_X_y_timeseries_data(df[col], verbose=0, as_array=True)#,axis=0) # print(f'col_bins dtype={type(col_bins)}') # print(f'col_labels dtype={type(col_labels)}') ## ALTERNATIVE IS TO PLACE DF COLUMNS CREATION ABOVE HERE col_data[col]['bins']=col_bins col_data[col]['labels'] = col_labels # col_data[col]['index'] = col_idx time_index_for_df = col_idx # Convert the dictionaries into a dataframe df_timeseries_bins = pd.DataFrame(index=time_index_for_df) # df_timeseries_bins.index=time_index_for_df # print(time_index_for_df) # for each original column for colname,data_dict in col_data.items(): #for column's new data bins,labels for data_col, X in col_data[colname].items(): # new column title new_colname = colname+'_'+data_col # print(new_colname) make_col = [] if data_col=='labels': df_timeseries_bins[new_colname] = col_data[colname][data_col] else: # turn array of lists into list of arrays for x in range(X.shape[0]): x_data = np.array(X[x]) # x_data = X[x] make_col.append(x_data) # fill in column's data df_timeseries_bins[new_colname] = make_col # print(df_timeseries_bins.index) # print(time_index_for_df) if one_or_two_dfs==1: return df_timeseries_bins elif one_or_two_dfs==2: df_bins = df_timeseries_bins.filter(regex=('bins')) df_labels = df_timeseries_bins.filter(regex=('labels')) return df_bins, df_labels
[docs]def predict_model_make_results_dict(model,scaler, X_test_in, y_test,test_index, X_train_in, y_train,train_index, return_as_dfs = False):# Get predictions and combine with true price """Accepts a fit keras model, X_test, y_test, and y_train data. Uses provided fit-scaler that transformed original data. By default (return_as_dfs=False): returns the results as a panel (dictioanry of dataframes), with panel['train'],panl['test'] Setting return_as_dfs=True will return df_train, df_test""" import pandas as pd # Get predictions from model predictions = model.predict(X_test_in) # Get predicted price series (scaled and inverse_transformed) pred_price_scaled = pd.Series(predictions.ravel(),name='scaled_pred_price',index=test_index) pred_price = inverse_transform_series(pred_price_scaled, scaler).rename('pred_price') # Get true price series (scaled and inverse_transformed) true_price_scaled = pd.Series(y_test,name='scaled_test_price',index=test_index) true_price = inverse_transform_series(true_price_scaled,scaler).rename('test_price') # combine all test data series into 1 dataframe df_test_data = pd.concat([true_price, pred_price, true_price_scaled, pred_price_scaled],axis=1)#, columns=['predicted_price','true_price'], index=index_test) # Get predictions from model train_predictions = model.predict(X_train_in) # Get predicted price series (scaled and inverse_transformed) train_pred_price_scaled = pd.Series(train_predictions.ravel(),name='scaled_pred_train_price',index=train_index) train_pred_price = inverse_transform_series(train_pred_price_scaled, scaler).rename('pred_train_price') # Get training data scaled and inverse transformed into its own dataframe train_price_scaled = pd.Series(y_train,name='scaled_train_price',index= train_index) train_price =inverse_transform_series(train_price_scaled,scaler).rename('train_price') df_train_data = pd.concat([train_price, train_pred_price, train_price_scaled, train_pred_price_scaled],axis=1) # Return results as Panel or 2 dataframes if return_as_dfs==False: results = {'train':df_train_data,'test':df_test_data} return results else: return df_train_data, df_test_data
[docs]def plot_true_vs_preds_subplots(train_price, test_price, pred_price, subplots=False, verbose=0,figsize=(12,5)): from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib as mpl import numpy as np # Check for null values train_null = train_price.isna().sum() test_null = test_price.isna().sum() pred_null = pred_price.isna().sum() null_test = train_null + test_null+pred_null if null_test>0: train_price.dropna(inplace=True) test_price.dropna(inplace=True) pred_price.dropna(inplace=True) if verbose>0: print(f'Dropping {null_test} null values.') ## CREATE FIGURE AND AX(ES) if subplots==True: # fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize)#, constrained_layout=True) # ax1 = plt.subplot2grid((2, 9), (0, 0), rowspan=2, colspan=4) # ax2 = plt.subplot2grid((2, 9),(0,4), rowspan=2, colspan=5) fig, (ax1,ax2) = plt.subplots(figsize=figsize, nrows=1, ncols=2, sharey=False) else: fig, ax1 = plt.subplots(figsize=figsize) ## Define plot styles by train/test/pred data type style_dict = {'train':{},'test':{},'pred':{}} style_dict['train']={'lw':2,'color':'blue','ls':'-', 'alpha':1} style_dict['test']={'lw':1,'color':'orange','ls':'-', 'alpha':1} style_dict['pred']={'lw':2,'color':'green','ls':'--', 'alpha':0.7} # Plot train_price if it is not empty. if len(train_price)>0: ax1.plot(train_price, label='price-training',**style_dict['train']) # Plot test and predicted price ax1.plot(test_price, label='true test price',**style_dict['test']) ax1.plot(pred_price, label='predicted price', **style_dict['pred'])#, label=['true_price','predicted_price'])#, label='price-predictions') ax1.legend() ax1.set_title('S&P500 Price: Forecast by LSTM-Neural-Network') ax1.set_xlabel('Business Day-Hour') ax1.set_ylabel('Stock Price') # Plot a subplot with JUST the test and predicted prices if subplots==True: ax2.plot(test_price, label='true test price',**style_dict['test']) ax2.plot(pred_price, label='predicted price', **style_dict['pred'])#, label=['true_price','predicted_price'])#, label='price-predictions') ax2.legend() plt.title('Predicted vs. Actual Price - Test Data') ax2.set_xlabel('Business Day-Hour') ax2.set_ylabel('Stock Price') plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=1)#, hspace=None)[source]¶ # # ANNOTATING RMSE # RMSE = np.sqrt(mean_squared_error(test_price,pred_price)) # bbox_props = dict(boxstyle="square,pad=0.5", fc="white", ec="k", lw=0.5) # plt.annotate(f"RMSE: {RMSE.round(3)}",xycoords='figure fraction', xy=(0.085,0.85),bbox=bbox_props) plt.tight_layout() if subplots==True: return fig, ax1,ax2 else: return fig, ax1
# fig, ax = plot_price_vs_preds(df_train_price['train_price'],df_test_price['test_price'],df_test_price['pred_price'])
[docs]def arr2series(array,series_index=[],series_name='predictions'): """Accepts an array, an index, and a name. If series_index is longer than array: the series_index[-len(array):] """ import pandas as pd if len(series_index)==0: series_index=list(range(len(array))) if len(series_index)>len(array): new_index= series_index[-len(array):] series_index=new_index preds_series = pd.Series(array.ravel(), index=series_index, name=series_name) return preds_series
[docs]def get_true_vs_model_pred_df(model, n_input, test_generator, test_data_index, df_test, train_generator, train_data_index, df_train, scaler=None, inverse_tf=True, plot=True, verbose=2): """Accepts a model, the training and testing data TimeseriesGenerators, the test_index and train_index. Returns a dataframe with True and Predicted Values for Both the Training and Test Datasets.""" import pandas as pd ## GET PREDICTIONS FROM MODEL test_predictions = pd.Series(model.predict_generator(test_generator).ravel(), index=test_data_index[n_input:], name='Predicted Test Price') train_predictions = pd.Series(model.predict_generator(train_generator).ravel(), index=train_data_index[n_input:], name='Predicted Training Price') # Make a series for true price to plot test_true_price = pd.Series( df_test['price'].rename('True Test Price').iloc[n_input:], index= test_data_index[n_input:], name='True Test Price') train_true_price = pd.Series(df_train['price'].rename('True Training Price').iloc[n_input:], index = train_data_index[n_input:], name='True Train Price') # Combine all 4 into one dataframe df_show = pd.concat([train_true_price,train_predictions,test_true_price,test_predictions], axis=1) # CONVERT BACK TO ORIGINAL UNIT SCALE if inverse_tf==True: if scaler: for col in df_show.columns: df_show[col] = inverse_transform_series(df_show[col],scaler) else: raise Exception('Must pass a fit scaler to inverse_tf the units.') # PREVIEW DATA if verbose>1: df_show.head() if plot==True: plot_true_vs_preds_subplots(df_show['True Train Price'],df_show['True Test Price'], df_show['Predicted Test Price'], subplots=True) return df_show
[docs]def get_group_texts_tokens(df_small, groupby_col='troll_tweet', group_dict={0:'controls',1:'trolls'}, column='content_stopped'): from nltk import regexp_tokenize pattern = "([a-zA-Z]+(?:'[a-z]+)?)" text_dict = {} for k,v in group_dict.items(): group_text_temp = df_small.groupby(groupby_col).get_group(k)[column] group_text_temp = ' '.join(group_text_temp) group_tokens = regexp_tokenize(group_text_temp, pattern) text_dict[v] = {} text_dict[v]['tokens'] = group_tokens text_dict[v]['text'] = ' '.join(group_tokens) print(f"{text_dict.keys()}:['tokens']|['text']") return text_dict
[docs]def check_df_groups_for_exp(df_full, list_of_exp_to_check, check_col='content_min_clean', groupby_col='troll_tweet', group_dict={0:'Control',1:'Troll'}): """Checks `check_col` column of input dataframe for expressions in list_of_exp_to_check and counts the # present for each group, defined by the groupby_col and groupdict. Returns a dataframe of counts.""" from bs_ds import list2df list_of_results = [] header_list= ['Term'] [header_list.append(x) for x in group_dict.values()] list_of_results.append(header_list) for exp in list_of_exp_to_check: curr_exp_list = [exp] for k,v in group_dict.items(): df_group = df_full.groupby(groupby_col).get_group(k) curr_group_count = len(df_group.loc[df_group[check_col].str.contains(exp)]) curr_exp_list.append(curr_group_count) list_of_results.append(curr_exp_list) df_results = list2df(list_of_results, index_col='Term') return df_results
[docs]def plot_fit_cloud(troll_cloud,contr_cloud,label1='Troll',label2='Control'): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt fig,ax = plt.subplots(nrows=1,ncols=2,figsize=(18,18)) ax[0].imshow(troll_cloud, interpolation='gaussian') # ax[0].set_aspect(1.5) ax[0].axis("off") ax[0].set_title(label1, fontsize=40) ax[1].imshow(contr_cloud, interpolation='bilinear',) # ax[1].set_aspect(1.5) ax[1].axis("off") ax[1].set_title(label2, fontsize=40) plt.tight_layout() return fig, ax
[docs]def display_random_tweets(df_tokenize,n=5 ,display_cols=['content','text_for_vectors','tokens'], group_labels=[],verbose=True): """Takes df_tokenize['text_for_vectors']""" import numpy as np import pandas as pd from IPython.display import display if len(group_labels)==0: group_labels = display_cols random_tweets={} # Randomly pick n indices to display from specified col idx = np.random.choice(range(len(df_tokenize)), n) for i in range(len(display_cols)): group_name = str(group_labels[i]) random_tweets[group_name] ={} # Select column data df_col = df_tokenize[display_cols[i]] tweet_group = {} tweet_group['index'] = idx chosen_tweets = df_col[idx] tweet_group['text'] = chosen_tweets # print(chosen_tweets) if verbose>0: with pd.option_context('max_colwidth',300): df_display = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(tweet_group) display('Group: {group_name}')) random_tweets[group_name] = tweet_group # if verbose>0: # for group,data in random_tweets.items(): # print(f'\n\nRandom Tweet for {group:>.{300}}:\n{"---"*20}') # df = random_tweets[group] # display(df) if verbose==0: return random_tweets else: return
###################### TWITTER AND STOCK PRICE DATA ###################### ## twitter_df, stock_price = load_twitter_df_stock_price() ## twitter_df = get_stock_prices_for_twitter_data(twitter_df, stock_prices) #
[docs]def load_twitter_df_stock_price(twitter_df,stock_price=None):# del stock_price from IPython.display import display if stock_price is None: stock_price = load_stock_price_series() # Make sure stock_price is loaded as minute data stock_price = stock_price.asfreq('T') stock_price.dropna(inplace=True) stock_price.sort_index(inplace=True) ## LOAD TWEETS, SELECT THE PROPER DATE RANGE AND COLUMNS # twitter_df = load_twitter_df(verbose=0) # try: twitter_df # except NameError: twitter_df=None # if twitter_df is None: # print('Loading twitter_df') # twitter_df= load_raw_twitter_file() # twitter_df = full_twitter_df_processing(twitter_df,cleaned_tweet_col='clean_content') stock_price.sort_index(inplace=True) twitter_df.sort_index(inplace=True) display(twitter_df.head()) print(stock_price.index[0],stock_price.index[-1]) print(twitter_df.index[0],twitter_df.index[-1]) return twitter_df, stock_price
[docs]def get_stock_prices_for_twitter_data(twitter_df, stock_prices): # Get get the business day index to account for tweets during off-hours import pandas as pd import numpy as np twitter_df = get_B_day_time_index_shift(twitter_df,verbose=1) # Make temporary B_dt_index var in order to round that column to minute-resolution B_dt_index = twitter_df[['B_dt_index','B_day']]#.asfreq('T') B_dt_index['B_dt_index']= pd.to_datetime(B_dt_index['B_dt_index']) B_dt_index['B_dt_index']= B_dt_index['B_dt_index'].dt.round('T') # Get stock_prices for each twitter timestamp twitter_df['B_dt_minutes'] = B_dt_index['B_dt_index'].copy() twitter_df['stock_price_results'] = twitter_df['B_dt_minutes'].apply(lambda x: match_stock_price_to_tweets(x,time_after_tweet=60,stock_price=stock_prices)) df_to_add = twitter_df['stock_price_results'].apply(lambda x: unpack_match_stocks(x)) new_twitter_df = pd.concat([twitter_df,df_to_add], axis=1) twitter_df = new_twitter_df.loc[~new_twitter_df['post_tweet_price'].isna()] # twitter_df.drop(['0'],axis=1,inplace=True) twitter_df['delta_price_class'] = np.where(twitter_df['delta_price'] > 0,'pos','neg') twitter_df.drop([0],axis=1, inplace=True) # display(twitter_df.head()) print(twitter_df.isna().sum()) return twitter_df
[docs]def train_test_val_split(X,y,test_size=0.20,val_size=0.1): """Performs 2 successive train_test_splits to produce a training, testing, and validation dataset""" from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split if val_size==0: X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=test_size) return X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test else: first_split_size = test_size + val_size second_split_size = val_size/(test_size + val_size) X_train, X_test_val, y_train, y_test_val = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=first_split_size) X_test, X_val, y_test, y_val = train_test_split(X_test_val, y_test_val, test_size=second_split_size) return X_train, X_test, X_val, y_train, y_test, y_val
[docs]def plot_keras_history(history, title_text='',fig_size=(6,6),save_fig=False,no_val_data=False, filename_base='results/keras_history'): """Plots the history['acc','val','val_acc','val_loss']""" metrics = ['acc','loss','val_acc','val_loss'] import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib as mpl plot_metrics={} for metric in metrics: if metric in history.history.keys(): plot_metrics[metric] = history.history[metric] # Set font styles: fontDict = { 'xlabel':{ 'fontsize':14, 'fontweight':'normal', }, 'ylabel':{ 'fontsize':14, 'fontweight':'normal', }, 'title':{ 'fontsize':14, 'fontweight':'normal', 'ha':'center', } } # x = range(1,len(acc)+1) if no_val_data == True: fig_size = (fig_size[0],fig_size[1]//2) fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=fig_size) for k,v in plot_metrics.items(): if 'acc' in k: color='b' label = 'Accuracy' if 'loss' in k: color='r' label = 'Loss' ax.plot(range(len(v)),v, label=label,color=color) plt.title('Model Training History') fig.suptitle(title_text,y=1.01,**fontDict['title']) ax.set_xlabel('Training Epoch',**fontDict['xlabel']) ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(mpl.ticker.MaxNLocator(integer=True)) plt.legend() else: ## CREATE SUBPLOTS fig,ax = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=1, figsize=fig_size, sharex=True) # Set color scheme for data type color_dict = {'val':'red','default':'b'} # Title Subplots fig.suptitle(title_text,y=1.01,**fontDict['title']) ax[1].set_xlabel('Training Epoch',**fontDict['xlabel']) ## Set plot params by metric and data type for metric, data in plot_metrics.items(): x = range(1,len(data)+1) ## SET AXIS AND LABEL BY METRIC TYPE if 'acc' in metric.lower(): ax_i = 0 metric_title = 'Accuracy' elif 'loss' in metric.lower(): ax_i=1 metric_title = 'Loss' ## SET COLOR AND LABEL PREFIX BY DATA TYPE if 'val' in metric.lower(): color = color_dict['val'] data_label = 'Validation '+metric_title else: color = color_dict['default'] data_label='Training ' + metric_title ## PLOT THE CURRENT METRIC AND LABEL ax[ax_i].plot(x, data, color=color,label=data_label) ax[ax_i].set_ylabel(metric_title,**fontDict['ylabel']) ax[ax_i].legend() plt.tight_layout() if save_fig: if '.' not in filename_base: filename = filename_base+'.png' else: filename = filename_base fig.savefig(filename,facecolor='white', format='png', frameon=True) print(f'[io] Figure saved as {filename}') return fig, ax
[docs]def plot_auc_roc_curve(y_test, y_test_pred): """ Takes y_test and y_test_pred from a ML model and plots the AUC-ROC curve.""" from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix from sklearn.metrics import roc_auc_score, roc_curve import matplotlib.pyplot as plt auc = roc_auc_score(y_test, y_test_pred[:,1]) FPr, TPr, _ = roc_curve(y_test, y_test_pred[:,1]) plt.plot(FPr, TPr,label=f"AUC for CatboostClassifier:\n{round(auc,2)}" ) plt.plot([0, 1], [0, 1], lw=2,linestyle='--') plt.xlim([-0.01, 1.0]) plt.ylim([0.0, 1.05]) plt.xlabel('False Positive Rate') plt.ylabel('True Positive Rate') plt.title('Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) Curve') plt.legend(loc="lower right")
[docs]def compare_word_cloud(text1,label1,text2,label2): """Compares the wordclouds from 2 sets of texts""" from wordcloud import WordCloud import matplotlib.pyplot as plt wordcloud1 = WordCloud(max_font_size=80, max_words=200, background_color='white').generate(' '.join(text1)) wordcloud2 = WordCloud(max_font_size=80, max_words=200, background_color='white').generate(' '.join(text2)) fig,ax = plt.subplots(nrows=1,ncols=2,figsize=(20,15)) ax[0].imshow(wordcloud1, interpolation='bilinear') ax[0].set_aspect(1.5) ax[0].axis("off") ax[0].set_title(label1, fontsize=20) ax[1].imshow(wordcloud2, interpolation='bilinear') ax[1].set_aspect(1.5) ax[1].axis("off") ax[1].set_title(label2, fontsize=20) fig.tight_layout() return fig,ax
[docs]def transform_image_mask_white(val): """Will convert any pixel value of 0 (white) to 255 for wordcloud mask.""" if val==0: return 255 else: return val
[docs]def open_image_mask(filename): import numpy as np from PIL import Image from wordcloud import WordCloud, STOPWORDS, ImageColorGenerator mask=[] mask = np.array( return mask
[docs]def quick_table(tuples, col_names=None, caption =None,display_df=True): """Accepts a bigram output tuple of tuples and makes captioned table.""" import pandas as pd from IPython.display import display if col_names == None: df = pd.DataFrame.from_records(tuples) else: df = pd.DataFrame.from_records(tuples,columns=col_names) dfs = if display_df == True: display(dfs) return df
[docs]def get_time(timeformat='%m-%d-%y_%T%p',raw=False,filename_friendly= False,replacement_seperator='-'): """ Gets current time in local time zone. if raw: True then raw datetime object returned without formatting. if filename_friendly: replace ':' with replacement_separator """ from datetime import datetime from pytz import timezone from tzlocal import get_localzone now_utc ='UTC')) now_local = now_utc.astimezone(get_localzone()) if raw == True: return now_local else: now = now_local.strftime(timeformat) if filename_friendly==True: return now.replace(':',replacement_seperator).lower() else: return now
[docs]def auto_filename_time(prefix='',sep=' ',suffix='',ext='',fname_friendly=True,timeformat='%m-%d-%Y %T'): '''Generates a filename with a base string + sep+ the current datetime formatted as timeformat. filename = f"{prefix}{sep}{suffix}{sep}{timesuffix}{ext} ''' if prefix is None: prefix='' timesuffix=get_time(timeformat=timeformat, filename_friendly=fname_friendly) filename = f"{prefix}{sep}{suffix}{sep}{timesuffix}{ext}" return filename
[docs]def save_model_weights_params(model,model_params=None, filename_prefix = 'models/model', filename_suffix='', check_if_exists = True, auto_increment_name=True, auto_filename_suffix=True, save_model_layer_config_xlsx=True, sep='_', suffix_time_format = '%m-%d-%Y_%I%M%p'): """Saves a fit Keras model and its weights as a .json file and a .h5 file, respectively. auto_filename_suffix will use the date and time to give the model a unique name (avoiding overwrites). Returns the model_filename and weight_filename""" import json import pickle # from functions_combined_BEST import auto_filename_time from bs_ds import auto_filename_time # create base model filename if auto_filename_suffix: filename = auto_filename_time(prefix=filename_prefix, sep=sep,timeformat=suffix_time_format ) else: filename=filename_prefix ## Add suffix to filename full_filename = filename + filename_suffix full_filename = full_filename+'.json' ## check if file exists if check_if_exists: import os import pandas as pd current_files = os.listdir() # check if file already exists if full_filename in current_files and auto_increment_name==False: raise Exception('Filename already exists') elif full_filename in current_files and auto_increment_name==True: # check if filename ends in version # import re num_ending = re.compile(r'[vV].?(\d+).json') curr_file_num = num_ending.findall(full_filename) if len(curr_file_num)==0: v_num = '_v01' else: v_num = f"_{int(curr_file_num)+1}" full_filename = filename + v_num + '.json' print(f'{filename} already exists... incrementing filename to {full_filename}.') ## SAVE MODEL AS JSON FILE # convert model to json model_json = model.to_json() create_required_folders(full_filename) # save json model to json file with open(full_filename, "w") as json_file: json.dump(model_json,json_file) print(f'Model saved as {full_filename}') ## GET BASE FILENAME WITHOUT EXTENSION file_ext=full_filename.split('.')[-1] filename = full_filename.replace(f'.{file_ext}','') ## SAVE MODEL WEIGHTS AS HDF5 FILE weight_filename = filename+'_weights.h5' model.save_weights(weight_filename) print(f'Weights saved as {weight_filename}') ## SAVE MODEL LAYER CONFIG TO EXCEL FILE if save_model_layer_config_xlsx == True: excel_filename=filename+'_model_layers.xlsx' # Get modelo config df df_model_config = get_model_config_df(model) df_model_config.to_excel(excel_filename, sheet_name='Keras Model Config') print(f"Model configuration table saved as {excel_filename }") ## SAVE MODEL PARAMS TO PICKLE if model_params is not None: # import json import inspect import pickle# as pickle def replace_function(function): import inspect return inspect.getsource(function) ## Select good model params to save model_params_to_save = {} model_params_to_save['data_params'] = model_params['data_params'] model_params_to_save['input_params'] = model_params['input_params'] model_params_to_save['compile_params'] = {} model_params_to_save['compile_params']['loss'] = model_params['compile_params']['loss'] ## Check for and replace functins in metrics metric_list = model_params['compile_params']['metrics'] # replace functions in metric list with source code for i,metric in enumerate(metric_list): if inspect.isfunction(metric): metric_list[i] = replace_function(metric) metric_list = model_params['compile_params']['metrics'] # model_params_to_save['compile_params']['metrics'] = model_params['compile_params']['metrics'] model_params_to_save['compile_params']['optimizer_name'] = model_params['compile_params']['optimizer_name'] model_params_to_save['fit_params'] = model_params['fit_params'] ## save model_params_to_save to pickle model_params_filename=filename+'_model_params.pkl' try: with open(model_params_filename,'wb') as param_file: pickle.dump(model_params_to_save, param_file) #sort_keys=True,indent=4) except: print('Pickling failed') else: model_params_filename='' filename_dict = {'model':filename,'weights':weight_filename,'excel':excel_filename,'params':model_params_filename} return filename_dict#[filename, weight_filename, excel_filename, model_params_filename]
[docs]def load_model_weights_params(base_filename = 'models/model_',load_model_params=True, load_model_layers_excel=True, trainable=False, model_filename=None,weight_filename=None, model_params_filename = None, excel_filename=None, verbose=1): """Loads in Keras model from json file and loads weights from .h5 file. optional set model layer trainability to False""" from IPython.display import display from keras.models import model_from_json import json ## Set model and weight filenames from base_filename if None: if model_filename is None: model_filename = base_filename+'.json' if weight_filename is None: weight_filename = base_filename+'_weights.h5' if model_params_filename is None: model_params_filename = base_filename + '_model_params.pkl' if excel_filename is None: excel_filename = base_filename + '_model_layers.xlsx' ## LOAD JSON MODEL with open(model_filename, 'r') as json_file: loaded_model_json = json.loads( loaded_model = model_from_json(loaded_model_json) ## LOAD MODEL WEIGHTS loaded_model.load_weights(weight_filename) print(f"Loaded {model_filename} and loaded weights from {weight_filename}.") # SET LAYER TRAINABILITY if trainable is False: for i, model_layer in enumerate(loaded_model.layers): loaded_model.get_layer(index=i).trainable=False if verbose>0: print('All model.layers.trainable set to False.') if verbose>1: print(model_layer,loaded_model.get_layer(index=i).trainable) # IF VERBOSE, DISPLAY SUMMARY if verbose>0: display(loaded_model.summary()) print("Note: Model must be compiled again to be used.") ## START RETURN LIST WITH MODEL return_list = [loaded_model] ## LOAD MODEL_PARAMS PICKLE if load_model_params: import pickle model_params = pickle.load(model_params_filename) return_list.append(model_params) ## LOAD EXCEL OF MODEL LAYERS CONFIG if load_model_layers_excel: import pandas as pd df_model_layers = pd.read_excel(excel_filename) return_list.append(df_model_layers) return return_list[:]
# return loaded_model, model_params # else: # return loaded_model
[docs]def display_dict_dropdown(dict_to_display ): """Display the model_params dictionary as a dropdown menu.""" from ipywidgets import interact from IPython.display import display from pprint import pprint dash='---' print(f'{dash*4} Dictionary Contents {dash*4}') @interact(dict_to_display=dict_to_display) def display_params(dict_to_display): # print(dash) pprint(dict_to_display) return #params.values();
[docs]def show_random_img(image_array, n=1): """Display n rendomly-selected images from image_array""" from keras.preprocessing.image import array_to_img, img_to_array, load_img import numpy as np from IPython.display import display i=1 while i <= n: choice = np.random.choice(range(0,len(image_array))) print(f'Image #:{choice}') display(array_to_img(image_array[choice])) i+=1 return
[docs]def check_class_balance(df,col ='delta_price_class_int',note='', as_percent=True, as_raw=True): import numpy as np dashes = '---'*20 print(dashes) print(f'CLASS VALUE COUNTS FOR COL "{col}":') print(dashes) # print(f'Class Value Counts (col: {col}) {note}\n') ## Check for class value counts to see if resampling/balancing is needed class_counts = df[col].value_counts() if as_percent: print('- Classes (%):') print(np.round(class_counts/len(df)*100,2)) # if as_percent and as_raw: # # print('\n') if as_raw: print('- Class Counts:') print(class_counts) print('---\n')
[docs]def index_report(df, label='',time_fmt = '%Y-%m-%d %T', return_index_dict=False): """Sorts dataframe index, prints index's start and end points and its datetime frequency. if return_index_dict=True then it returns these values in a dictionary as well as printing them.""" import pandas as pd df.sort_index(inplace=True) index_info = {'index_start': df.index[0].strftime(time_fmt), 'index_end':df.index[-1].strftime(time_fmt), 'index_freq':df.index.freq} if df.index.freq is None: try: index_info['inferred_index_freq'] = pd.infer_freq(df.index) except: index_info['inferred_index_freq'] = 'error' dashes = '---'*20 # print('\n') print(dashes) print(f"\tINDEX REPORT:\t{label}") print(dashes) print(f"* Index Endpoints:\n\t{df.index[0].strftime(time_fmt)} -- to -- {df.index[-1].strftime(time_fmt)}") print(f'* Index Freq:\n\t{df.index.freq}') # print('\n') # print(dashes) if return_index_dict == True: return index_info else: return
[docs]def undersample_df_to_match_classes(df,class_column='delta_price_class', class_values_to_keep=None,verbose=1): """Resamples (undersamples) input df so that the classes in class_column have equal number of occruances. If class_values_to_keep is None: uses all classes. """ import pandas as pd import numpy as np ## Get value counts and classes class_counts = df[class_column].value_counts() classes = list(class_counts.index) if verbose>0: print('Initial Class Value Counts:') print('%: ',class_counts/len(df)) ## use all classes if None if class_values_to_keep is None: class_values_to_keep = classes ## save each group's indices in dict class_dict = {} for curr_class in classes: if curr_class in class_values_to_keep: class_dict[curr_class] = {} idx = df.loc[df[class_column]==curr_class].index class_dict[curr_class]['idx'] = idx class_dict[curr_class]['count'] = len(idx) else: continue ## determine which class count to match counts = [class_dict[k]['count'] for k in class_dict.keys()] # get number of samples to match count_to_match = np.min(counts) if len(np.unique(counts))==1: raise Exception('Classes are already balanced') # dict_resample = {} df_sampled = pd.DataFrame() for k,v in class_dict.items(): temp_df = df.loc[class_dict[k]['idx']] temp_df = temp_df.sample(n=count_to_match) # dict_resample[k] = temp_df df_sampled =pd.concat([df_sampled,temp_df],axis=0) ## sort index of final df_sampled.sort_index(ascending=False, inplace=True) # print(df_sampled[class_column].value_counts()) if verbose>0: check_class_balance(df_sampled, col=class_column) # class_counts = [class_column].value_counts() # print('Final Class Value Counts:') # print('%: ',class_counts/len(df)) return df_sampled
[docs]def show_del_me_code(called_by_inspect_vars=False): """Prints code to copy and paste into a cell to delete vars using a list of their names. Companion function inspect_variables(locals(),print_names=True) will provide var names tocopy/paste """ from pprint import pprint if called_by_inspect_vars==False: print("#[i]Call: `inspect_variables(locals(), print_names=True)` for list of var names") del_me = """ del_me= []#list of variable names for me in del_me: try: exec(f'del {me}') print(f'del {me} succeeded') except: print(f'del {me} failed') continue """ print(del_me)
[docs]def check_null_small(df,null_index_column=None):# return_idx=False): import pandas as pd import numpy as np res = df.isna().sum() idx = res.loc[res>0].index print('\n') print('---'*10) print('Columns with Null Values') print('---'*10) print(res[idx]) print('\n') if null_index_column is not None: idx_null = df.loc[ df[null_index_column].isna()==True].index # return_index = idx_null[idx_null==True] return idx_null
[docs]def find_null_idx(df,column=None): """returns the indices of null values found in the series/column. if df is a dataframe and column is none, it returns a dictionary with the column names as a value and null_idx for each column as the values. Example Usage: 1) >> null_idx = get_null_idx(series) >> series_null_removed = series[null_idx] 2) >> null_dict = get_null_idx() """ import pandas as pd import numpy as np idx_null = [] # Raise an error if df is a series and a column name is given if isinstance(df, pd.Series) and column is not None: raise Exception('If passing a series, column must be None') # else if its a series, get its idx_null elif isinstance(df, pd.Series): series = df idx_null = series.loc[series.isna()==True].index # else if its a dataframe and column is a string: elif isinstance(df,pd.DataFrame) and isinstance(column,str): series=df[column] idx_null = series.loc[series.isna()==True].index # else if its a dataframe elif isinstance(df, pd.DataFrame): idx_null = {} # if no column name given, use all columns as col_list if column is None: col_list = df.columns # else use input column as col_list else: col_list = column ## for each column, get its null idx and add to dictioanry for col in col_list: series = df[col] idx_null[col] = series.loc[series.isna()==True].index else: raise Exception('Input df must be a pandas DataFrame or Series.') ## return the index or dictionary idx_null return idx_null
[docs]def dict_dropdown(dict_to_display,title='Dictionary Contents'): """Display the model_params dictionary as a dropdown menu.""" from ipywidgets import interact from IPython.display import display from pprint import pprint dash='---' print(f'{dash*4} {title} {dash*4}') @interact(dict_to_display=dict_to_display) def display_params(dict_to_display=dict_to_display): # # if the contents of the first level of keys is dicts:, display another dropdown # if dict_to_display.values() display(pprint(dict_to_display)) return #params.values();
[docs]def display_df_dict_dropdown(dict_to_display, selected_key=None): import ipywidgets as widgets from IPython.display import display from ipywidgets import interact, interactive import pandas as pd key_list = list(dict_to_display.keys()) key_list.append('_All_') if selected_key is not None: selected_key = selected_key def view(eval_dict=dict_to_display,selected_key=''): from IPython.display import display from pprint import pprint if selected_key=='_All_': key_list = list(eval_dict.keys()) outputs=[] for k in key_list: if type(eval_dict[k]) == pd.DataFrame: outputs.append(eval_dict[k]) display(eval_dict[k].style.set_caption(k).hide_index()) else: outputs.append(f"{k}:\n{eval_dict[k]}\n\n") pprint('\n',eval_dict[k]) return outputs#pprint(outputs) else: k = selected_key # if type(eval_dict(k)) == pd.DataFrame: if type(eval_dict[k]) == pd.DataFrame: display(eval_dict[k].style.set_caption(k)) else: pprint(eval_dict[k]) return [eval_dict[k]] w= widgets.Dropdown(options=key_list,value='_All_', description='Key Word') # old, simple out = widgets.interactive_output(view, {'selected_key':w}) # new, flashier output = widgets.Output(layout={'border': '1px solid black'}) if type(out)==list: output.append_display_data(out) # out =widgets.HBox([x for x in out]) else: output = out # widgets.HBox([]) final_out = widgets.VBox([widgets.HBox([w]),output]) display(final_out) return final_out#widgets.VBox([widgets.HBox([w]),output])#out])
[docs]def def_plotly_date_range_widgets(my_rangeselector=None,as_layout=True,as_dict=False): """old name; def_my_plotly_stock_layout, REPLACES DEF_RANGE_SELECTOR""" if as_dict: as_layout=False from plotly import graph_objs as go if my_rangeselector is None: my_rangeselector={'bgcolor': 'lightgray', #rgba(150, 200, 250, 1)', 'buttons': [{'count': 1, 'label': '1m', 'step': 'month', 'stepmode': 'backward'}, {'count':3,'label':'3m','step':'month','stepmode':'backward'}, {'count':6,'label':'6m','step':'month','stepmode':'backward'}, {'count': 1, 'label': '1y', 'step': 'year', 'stepmode': 'backward'}, {'step':'all'}, {'count':1,'step':'year', 'stepmode':'todate'} ], 'visible': True} my_layout = {'xaxis':{ 'rangeselector': my_rangeselector, 'rangeslider':{'visible':True}, 'type':'date'}} if as_layout: return go.Layout(my_layout) else: return my_layout
[docs]def def_plotly_solar_theme_with_date_selector_slider(as_layout=True, as_dict=False): ## using code above if as_dict: as_layout=False solar_theme = def_cufflinks_solar_theme(as_layout=True)#['layout'] stock_range_widget_layout = def_plotly_date_range_widgets() new_layout = solar_theme.update(stock_range_widget_layout) # new_layout = merge_dicts_by_keys(solar_theme['layout'],my_layout) if as_layout: return new_layout if as_dict: return new_layout.to_plotly_json()
[docs]def match_data_colors(fig1,fig2): color_dict = {} for data in fig1['data']: name = data['name'] color_dict[name] = {'color':data['line']['color']} data_list = fig2['data'] for i,trace in enumerate(data_list): if trace['name'] in color_dict.keys(): data_list[i]['line']['color'] = color_dict[trace['name']]['color'] fig2['data'] = data_list return fig1,fig2
[docs]def plotly_true_vs_preds_subplots(df_model_preds, true_train_col='true_train_price', true_test_col='true_test_price', pred_test_columns='pred_from_gen', subplot_mode='lines+markers',marker_size=5, title='S&P 500 True Price Vs Predictions ($)', theme='solar', verbose=0,figsize=(1000,500), debug=False, show_fig=True): """y_col_kws={'col_name':line_color}""" import pandas as pd import numpy as np import plotly.graph_objs as go import cufflinks as cf cf.go_offline() from plotly.offline import iplot#download_plotlyjs, init_notebook_mode, plot, iplot # init_notebook_mode(connected=True) ### MAKE THE LIST OF COLUMNS TO CREATE SEPARATE DATAFRAMES TO PLOT if isinstance(pred_test_columns,str): pred_test_columns = [pred_test_columns] if pred_test_columns is None: exclude_list = [true_train_col,true_test_col] pred_test_columns = [col for col in df_model_preds.columns if col not in exclude_list] fig1cols = [true_train_col,true_test_col] fig2cols = [true_test_col] [fig1cols.append(x) for x in pred_test_columns] [fig2cols.append(x) for x in pred_test_columns] ## CREATE FIGURE DATAFRAMES fig1_df = df_model_preds[fig1cols] fig2_df = df_model_preds[fig2cols].dropna() ## Get my_layout fig_1 = plotly_time_series(fig1_df,theme=theme,show_fig=False, as_figure=True, iplot_kwargs={'mode':'lines'}) fig_2 = plotly_time_series(fig2_df,theme=theme,show_fig=False,as_figure=True, iplot_kwargs={'mode':subplot_mode, 'size':marker_size}) fig_1,fig_2 = match_data_colors(fig_1,fig_2) ## Create base layout and add figsize base_layout = def_plotly_solar_theme_with_date_selector_slider() update_dict={'height':figsize[1], 'width':figsize[0], 'title': title, 'xaxis':{'autorange':True, 'rangeselector':{'y':-0.3}}, 'yaxis':{'autorange':True}, 'legend':{'orientation':'h', 'y':1.0, 'bgcolor':None} } base_layout.update(update_dict) base_layout=base_layout.to_plotly_json() # Create combined figure with uneven-sized plots specs= [[{'colspan':3},None,None,{'colspan':2},None]]#specs= [[{'colspan':2},None,{'colspan':1}]] big_fig = cf.subplots(theme=theme, base_layout=base_layout, figures=[fig_1,fig_2], horizontal_spacing=0.1, shape=[1,5],specs=specs)#, # big_fig['layout']['legend']['bgcolor']=None big_fig['layout']['legend']['y'] = 1.0 big_fig['layout']['xaxis']['rangeselector']['y']=-0.3 big_fig['layout']['xaxis2']['rangeselector'] = {'bgcolor': 'lightgray', 'buttons': [ {'count': 1, 'label': '1d', 'step': 'day', 'stepmode': 'backward'}, {'step':'all'} ],'visible': True, 'y':-0.5} update_layout_dict={ 'yaxis':{ 'title':{'text': 'True Train/Test Price vs Predictions', 'font':{'color':'white'}}}, 'yaxis2':{'title':{'text':'Test Price vs Pred Price', 'font':{'color':'white'}}}, 'title':{'text':'S&P 500 True Price Vs Predictions ($)', 'font':{'color':'white'}, 'y':0.95, 'pad':{'b':0.1,'t':0.1} } } layout = go.Layout(big_fig['layout']) # title_layout = go.layout.Title(text='S&P 500 True Price Vs Predictions ($)',font={'color':'white'},pad={'b':0.1,'t':0.1}, y=0.95)# 'font':{'color':'white'} layout = layout.update(update_layout_dict) # big_fig['layout'] = layout.to_plotly_json() big_fig = go.Figure(data=big_fig['data'],layout=layout) fig_dict={} fig_dict['fig_1']=fig_1 fig_dict['fig_2'] =fig_2 fig_dict['big_fig']=big_fig if show_fig: iplot(big_fig) if debug == True: return fig_dict else: return big_fig
[docs]def plotly_time_series(stock_df,x_col=None, y_col=None,layout_dict=None,title='S&P500 Hourly Price',theme='solar', as_figure = True,show_fig=True,fig_dim=(900,400),iplot_kwargs=None): #,name='S&P500 Price'): import plotly from IPython.display import display # else: import plotly.offline as py from plotly.offline import plot, iplot, init_notebook_mode import as tls import plotly.graph_objs as go import cufflinks as cf cf.go_offline() init_notebook_mode(connected=False) # py.init_notebook_mode(connected=True) # Set title if title is None: title = "Time series with range slider and selector" # %matplotlib inline if plotly.__version__<'4.0': if theme=='solar': solar_layout = def_cufflinks_solar_theme(as_layout=True) range_widgets = def_plotly_date_range_widgets(as_layout=True) my_layout = solar_layout.update(range_widgets) else: my_layout = def_plotly_date_range_widgets() ## Define properties to update layout update_dict = {'title': {'text': title}, 'xaxis':{'title':{'text':'Market Trading Day-Hour'}}, 'yaxis':{'title':{'text':'Closing Price (USD)'}}, 'height':fig_dim[1], 'width':fig_dim[0]} my_layout.update(update_dict) ## UPDATE LAYOUT WITH ANY OTHER USER PARAMS if layout_dict is not None: my_layout = my_layout.update(layout_dict) if iplot_kwargs is None: # if no columns specified, use the whole df if (y_col is None) and (x_col is None): fig = stock_df.iplot( layout=my_layout,world_readable=True,asFigure=True)#asDates=True, # else plot y_col elif (y_col is not None) and (x_col is None): fig = stock_df[y_col].iplot(layout=my_layout,world_readable=True,asFigure=True)#asDates=True, # else plot x_col vs y_col else: fig = stock_df.iplot(x=x_col,y=y_col, layout=my_layout,world_readable=True,asFigure=True)#asDates=True, else: # if no columns specified, use the whole df if (y_col is None) and (x_col is None): fig = stock_df.iplot( layout=my_layout,world_readable=True,asFigure=True,**iplot_kwargs)#asDates=True, # else plot y_col elif (y_col is not None) and (x_col is None): fig = stock_df[y_col].iplot(asDates=True, layout=my_layout,world_readable=True,asFigure=True,**iplot_kwargs) # else plot x_col vs y_col else: fig = stock_df.iplot(x=x_col,y=y_col, layout=my_layout,world_readable=True,asFigure=True,**iplot_kwargs)#asDates=True, ## IF using verson v4.0 of plotly else: # LEARNING HOW TO CUSTOMIZE SLIDER # ** fig = go.Figure() fig.update_layout( title_text=title ) fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=stock_df[x_col], y=stock_df[y_col]))#, name=name)) #df.Date, y=df['AAPL.Low'], name="AAPL Low", # line_color='dimgray')) # Add range slider fig.update_layout( xaxis=go.layout.XAxis( rangeselector=dict( buttons=list([ dict(count=1, label="1m", step="month", stepmode="backward"), dict(count=6, label="6m", step="month", stepmode="backward"), dict(count=1, label="YTD", step="year", stepmode="todate"), dict(count=1, label="1y", step="year", stepmode="backward"), dict(step="all") ]) ), rangeslider=dict( visible=True ), type="date" ), yaxis = go.layout.YAxis( autorange=True, title=go.layout.yaxis.Title( text = 'S&P500 Price', font=dict( # family="Courier New, monospace", size=18, color="#7f7f7f") ) ) ) if show_fig: iplot(fig) if as_figure: return fig
[docs]def preview_dict(d, n=5,print_or_menu='print',return_list=False): """Previews the first n keys and values from the dict""" from pprint import pprint list_keys = list(d.keys()) prev_d = {} for key in list_keys[:n]: prev_d[key]=d[key] if 'print' in print_or_menu: pprint(prev_d) elif 'menu' in print_or_menu: display_dict_dropdown(prev_d) else: raise Exception("print_or_menu must be 'print' or 'menu'") if return_list: out = [(k,v) for k,v in prev_d.items()] return out else: pass
[docs]def disp_df_head_tail(df,n_head=3, n_tail=3,head_capt='df.head',tail_capt='df.tail'): """Displays the df.head(n_head) and df.tail(n_tail) and sets captions using""" from IPython.display import display import pandas as pd df_h = df.head(n_head).style.set_caption(head_capt) df_t = df.tail(n_tail).style.set_caption(tail_capt) display(df_h, df_t)
[docs]def create_required_folders(full_filenamepath,folder_delim='/',verbose=1): """Accepts a full file name path include folders with '/' as default delimiter. Recursively checks for all sub-folders in filepath and creates those that are missing.""" import os ## Creating folders needed check_for_folders = full_filenamepath.split(folder_delim)#'/') # if the splits creates more than 1 filepath: if len(check_for_folders)==1: return print('[!] No folders detected in provided full_filenamepath') else:# len(check_for_folders) >1: # set first foler to check check_path = check_for_folders[0] if check_path not in os.listdir(): if verbose>0: print(f'\t- creating folder "{check_path}"') os.mkdir(check_path) ## handle multiple subfolders if len(check_for_folders)>2: ## for each subfolder: for folder in check_for_folders[1:-1]: base_folder_contents = os.listdir(check_path) # add the subfolder to prior path check_path = check_path + '/' + folder if folder not in base_folder_contents:#os.listdir(): if verbose>0: print(f'\t- creating folder "{check_path}"') os.mkdir(check_path) if verbose>1: print('Finished. All required folders have been created.') else: return
[docs]def inspect_variables(local_vars = None,sort_col='size',exclude_funcs_mods=True, top_n=10,return_df=False,always_display=True, show_how_to_delete=True,print_names=False): """Displays a dataframe of all variables and their size in memory, with the largest variables at the top.""" import sys import inspect import pandas as pd from IPython.display import display if local_vars is None: raise Exception('Must pass "locals()" in function call. i.e. inspect_variables(locals())') glob_vars= [k for k in globals().keys()] loc_vars = [k for k in local_vars.keys()] var_list = glob_vars+loc_vars var_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=['variable','size','type']) exclude = ['In','Out'] var_list = [x for x in var_list if (x.startswith('_') == False) and (x not in exclude)] i=0 for var in var_list:#globals().items():#locals().items(): if var in loc_vars: real_var = local_vars[var] elif var in glob_vars: real_var = globals()[var] else: print(f"{var} not found.") var_size = sys.getsizeof(real_var) var_type = [] if inspect.isfunction(real_var): var_type = 'function' if exclude_funcs_mods: continue elif inspect.ismodule(real_var): var_type = 'module' if exclude_funcs_mods: continue elif inspect.isbuiltin(real_var): var_type = 'builtin' elif inspect.isclass(real_var): var_type = 'class' else: var_type = real_var.__class__.__name__ var_row = pd.Series({'variable':var,'size':var_size,'type':var_type}) var_df.loc[i] = var_row#pd.concat([var_df,var_row],axis=0)#.join(var_row,) i+=1 # if exclude_funcs_mods: # var_df = var_df.loc[var_df['type'] not in ['function', 'module'] ] var_df.sort_values(sort_col,ascending=False,inplace=True) var_df.reset_index(inplace=True,drop=True) var_df.set_index('variable',inplace=True) var_df = var_df[['type','size']] if top_n is not None: var_df = var_df.iloc[:top_n] if always_display: display('Current Variables by Size in Memory')) if show_how_to_delete: print('---'*15) print('## CODE TO DELETE MANY VARS AT ONCE:') show_del_me_code(called_by_inspect_vars=True) if print_names ==False: print('#[i] set `print_names=True` for var names to copy/paste.') print('---'*15) else: print('---'*15) print('Variable Names:\n') print_me = [f"{str(x)}" for x in var_df.index] print(print_me) if return_df: return var_df
[docs]def replace_bad_filename_chars(filename,replace_spaces=False, replace_with='_'): """removes any characters not allowed in Windows filenames""" bad_chars= ['<','>','*','/',':','\\','|','?'] if replace_spaces: bad_chars.append(' ') for char in bad_chars: filename=filename.replace(char,replace_with) # verify name is not too long for windows if len(filename)>255: filename = filename[:256] return filename
[docs]def evaluate_classification_model(model, X_train,X_test,y_train,y_test, history=None,binary_classes=True, conf_matrix_classes= ['Decrease','Increase'], normalize_conf_matrix=True,conf_matrix_figsize=(8,4),save_history=False, history_filename ='results/keras_history.png', save_conf_matrix_png=False, conf_mat_filename= 'results/confusion_matrix.png',save_summary=False, summary_filename = 'results/model_summary.txt',auto_unique_filenames=True): """Evaluates kera's model's performance, plots model's history,displays classification report, and plots a confusion matrix. conf_matrix_classes are the labels for the matrix. [negative, positive] Returns df of classification report and fig object for confusion matrix's plot.""" from sklearn.metrics import roc_auc_score, roc_curve, classification_report,confusion_matrix from IPython.display import display import pandas as pd import matplotlib as mpl numFmt = '.4f' num_dashes = 30 # results_list=[['Metric','Value']] # metric_list = ['accuracy','precision','recall','f1'] print('---'*num_dashes) print('\tTRAINING HISTORY:') print('---'*num_dashes) if auto_unique_filenames: ## Get same time suffix for all files time_suffix = auto_filename_time(fname_friendly=True) filename_dict= {'history':history_filename,'conf_mat':conf_mat_filename,'summary':summary_filename} ## update filenames for filetype,filename in filename_dict.items(): if '.' in filename: filename_dict[filetype] = filename.split('.')[0]+time_suffix + '.'+filename.split('.')[-1] else: if filetype =='summary': ext='.txt' else: ext='.png' filename_dict[filetype] = filename+time_suffix + ext history_filename = filename_dict['history'] conf_mat_filename = filename_dict['conf_mat'] summary_filename = filename_dict['summary'] ## PLOT HISTORY if history is not None: plot_keras_history( history,filename_base=history_filename, save_fig=save_history,title_text='') print('\n') print('---'*num_dashes) print('\tEVALUATE MODEL:') print('---'*num_dashes) print('\n- Evaluating Training Data:') loss_train, accuracy_train = model.evaluate(X_train, y_train, verbose=True) print(f' - Accuracy:{accuracy_train:{numFmt}}') print(f' - Loss:{loss_train:{numFmt}}') print('\n- Evaluating Test Data:') loss_test, accuracy_test = model.evaluate(X_test, y_test, verbose=True) print(f' - Accuracy:{accuracy_test:{numFmt}}') print(f' - Loss:{loss_test:{numFmt}}\n') ## Get model predictions y_hat_train = model.predict_classes(X_train) y_hat_test = model.predict_classes(X_test) if y_test.ndim>1 or binary_classes==False: if binary_classes==False: pass else: binary_classes = False print(f"[!] y_test was >1 dim, setting binary_classes to False") ## reduce dimensions of y_train and y_test y_train = y_train.argmax(axis=1) y_test = y_test.argmax(axis=1) print('---'*num_dashes) print('\tCLASSIFICATION REPORT:') print('---'*num_dashes) ## Get sklearn classification report report_str = classification_report(y_test,y_hat_test) report_dict = classification_report(y_test,y_hat_test,output_dict=True) try: ## Create and display classification report # df_report =pd.DataFrame.from_dict(report_dict,orient='columns')#'index')#class_rows,orient='index') df_report_temp = pd.DataFrame(report_dict) df_report_temp = df_report_temp.T#reset_index(inplace=True) df_report = df_report_temp[['precision','recall','f1-score','support']] display(df_report.round(4).style.set_caption('Classification Report')) print('\n') except: print(report_str) # print(report_dict) df_report = pd.DataFrame() ## if saving the model.summary() printout if save_summary: with open(summary_filename,'w') as f: model.summary(print_fn=lambda x: f.write(x+"\n")) f.write(f"\nSaved at {time_suffix}\n") f.write(report_str) ## Create and plot confusion_matrix import matplotlib.pyplot as plt conf_mat = confusion_matrix(y_test, y_hat_test) with plt.rc_context(rc={'figure.figsize':conf_matrix_figsize}): # rcParams['figure.figsize'] fig = plot_confusion_matrix(conf_mat,classes=conf_matrix_classes, normalize=normalize_conf_matrix, fig_size=conf_matrix_figsize) if save_conf_matrix_png: fig.savefig(conf_mat_filename,facecolor='white', format='png', frameon=True) return df_report, fig
[docs]def evaluate_regression_model(model, history, train_generator, test_generator,true_train_series, true_test_series,include_train_data=True,return_preds_df = False, save_history=False, history_filename ='results/keras_history.png', save_summary=False, summary_filename = 'results/model_summary.txt',auto_unique_filenames=True): """Evaluates kera's model's performance, plots model's history,displays classification report, and plots a confusion matrix. conf_matrix_classes are the labels for the matrix. [negative, positive] Returns df of classification report and fig object for confusion matrix's plot.""" from sklearn.metrics import roc_auc_score, roc_curve, classification_report,confusion_matrix from IPython.display import display import pandas as pd import matplotlib as mpl numFmt = '.4f' num_dashes = 30 # results_list=[['Metric','Value']] # metric_list = ['accuracy','precision','recall','f1'] print('---'*num_dashes) print('\tTRAINING HISTORY:') print('---'*num_dashes) if auto_unique_filenames: ## Get same time suffix for all files time_suffix = auto_filename_time(fname_friendly=True) filename_dict= {'history':history_filename,'summary':summary_filename} ## update filenames for filetype,filename in filename_dict.items(): if '.' in filename: filename_dict[filetype] = filename.split('.')[0]+time_suffix + '.'+filename.split('.')[-1] else: if filetype =='summary': ext='.txt' else: ext='.png' filename_dict[filetype] = filename+time_suffix + ext history_filename = filename_dict['history'] summary_filename = filename_dict['summary'] ## PLOT HISTORY plot_keras_history( history,filename_base=history_filename,no_val_data=True, save_fig=save_history,title_text='') print('\n') print('---'*num_dashes) print('\tEVALUATE MODEL:') print('---'*num_dashes) # # EVALUATE MODEL PREDICTIONS FROM GENERATOR print('Evaluating Train Generator:') model_metrics_train = model.evaluate_generator(train_generator,verbose=1) print(f' - Accuracy:{model_metrics_train[1]:{numFmt}}') print(f' - Loss:{model_metrics_train[0]:{numFmt}}') print('Evaluating Test Generator:') model_metrics_test = model.evaluate_generator(test_generator,verbose=1) print(f' - Accuracy:{model_metrics_test[1]:{numFmt}}') print(f' - Loss:{model_metrics_test[0]:{numFmt}}') x_window = test_generator.length n_features =[0].shape[0] gen_df = get_model_preds_from_gen(model=model, test_generator=test_generator,true_test_data=true_test_series, n_input=x_window, n_features=n_features, suffix='_from_gen',return_df=True) regr_results = evaluate_regression(y_true=gen_df['true_from_gen'], y_pred=gen_df['pred_from_gen'],show_results=True, metrics=['r2', 'RMSE', 'U']) if save_summary: with open(summary_filename,'w') as f: model.summary(print_fn=lambda x: f.write(x+"\n")) f.write(f"\nSaved at {time_suffix}\n") f.write(regr_results.__repr__()) if include_train_data: true_train_series=true_train_series.rename('true_train_price') df_all_preds=pd.concat([true_train_series,gen_df],axis=1) else: df_all_preds = gen_df if return_preds_df: return df_all_preds
[docs]def evaluate_regression(y_true, y_pred, metrics=None, show_results=False, display_thiels_u_info=False): """Calculates and displays any of the following evaluation metrics: (passed as strings in metrics param) r2, MAE,MSE,RMSE,U if metrics=None: metrics=['r2','RMSE','U'] """ from sklearn.metrics import r2_score, mean_squared_error, mean_absolute_error import numpy as np from bs_ds import list2df import inspect idx_true_null = find_null_idx(y_true) idx_pred_null = find_null_idx(y_pred) if all(idx_true_null == idx_pred_null): y_true.dropna(inplace=True) y_pred.dropna(inplace=True) else: raise Exception('There are non-overlapping null values in y_true and y_pred') results=[['Metric','Value']] metric_list = [] if metrics is None: metrics=['r2','rmse','u'] else: for metric in metrics: if isinstance(metric,str): metric_list.append(metric.lower()) elif inspect.isfunction(metric): custom_res = metric(y_true,y_pred) results.append([metric.__name__,custom_res]) metric_list.append(metric.__name__) metrics=metric_list # metrics = [m.lower() for m in metrics] if any(m in metrics for m in ('r2','r squared','R_squared')): #'r2' in metrics: #any(m in metrics for m in ('r2','r squared','R_squared')) r2 = r2_score(y_true, y_pred) results.append(['R Squared',r2])##f'R\N{SUPERSCRIPT TWO}',r2]) if any(m in metrics for m in ('RMSE','rmse','root_mean_squared_error','root mean squared error')): #'RMSE' in metrics: RMSE = np.sqrt(mean_squared_error(y_true,y_pred)) results.append(['Root Mean Squared Error',RMSE]) if any(m in metrics for m in ('MSE','mse','mean_squared_error','mean squared error')): MSE = mean_squared_error(y_true,y_pred) results.append(['Mean Squared Error',MSE]) if any(m in metrics for m in ('MAE','mae','mean_absolute_error','mean absolute error')):#'MAE' in metrics or 'mean_absolute_error' in metrics: MAE = mean_absolute_error(y_true,y_pred) results.append(['Mean Absolute Error',MAE]) if any(m in metrics for m in ('u',"thiel's u")):# in metrics: if display_thiels_u_info is True: show_eqn=True show_table=True else: show_eqn=False show_table=False U = thiels_U(y_true, y_pred,display_equation=show_eqn,display_table=show_table ) results.append(["Thiel's U", U]) results_df = list2df(results)#, index_col='Metric') results_df.set_index('Metric', inplace=True) if show_results: from IPython.display import display dfs = results_df.round(3).reset_index().style.hide_index().set_caption('Evaluation Metrics') display(dfs) return results_df.round(4)
[docs]def plot_confusion_matrix(conf_matrix, classes = None, normalize=False, title='Confusion Matrix', cmap=None, print_raw_matrix=False,fig_size=(5,5), show_help=False): """Check if Normalization Option is Set to True. If so, normalize the raw confusion matrix before visualizing #Other code should be equivalent to your previous function. Note: Taken from bs_ds and modified""" import itertools import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt cm = conf_matrix ## Set plot style properties if cmap==None: cmap = plt.get_cmap("Blues") ## Text Properties fmt = '.2f' if normalize else 'd' fontDict = { 'title':{ 'fontsize':16, 'fontweight':'semibold', 'ha':'center', }, 'xlabel':{ 'fontsize':14, 'fontweight':'normal', }, 'ylabel':{ 'fontsize':14, 'fontweight':'normal', }, 'xtick_labels':{ 'fontsize':10, 'fontweight':'normal', 'rotation':45, 'ha':'right', }, 'ytick_labels':{ 'fontsize':10, 'fontweight':'normal', 'rotation':0, 'ha':'right', }, 'data_labels':{ 'ha':'center', 'fontweight':'semibold', } } ## Normalize data if normalize: cm = cm.astype('float') / cm.sum(axis=1)[:, np.newaxis] # Create plot fig,ax = plt.subplots(figsize=fig_size) plt.imshow(cm, interpolation='nearest', cmap=cmap) plt.title(title,**fontDict['title']) plt.colorbar() if classes is None: classes = ['negative','positive'] tick_marks = np.arange(len(classes)) plt.xticks(tick_marks, classes, **fontDict['xtick_labels']) plt.yticks(tick_marks, classes,**fontDict['ytick_labels']) # Determine threshold for b/w text thresh = cm.max() / 2. # fig,ax = plt.subplots() for i, j in itertools.product(range(cm.shape[0]), range(cm.shape[1])): plt.text(j, i, format(cm[i, j], fmt), color='darkgray',**fontDict['data_labels'])#color="white" if cm[i, j] > thresh else "black" plt.tight_layout() plt.ylabel('True label',**fontDict['ylabel']) plt.xlabel('Predicted label',**fontDict['xlabel']) fig = plt.gcf() if print_raw_matrix: print_title = 'Raw Confusion Matrix Counts:' print('\n',print_title) print(conf_matrix) if show_help: print('''For binary classifications: [[0,0(true_neg), 0,1(false_pos)] [1,0(false_neg), 1,1(true_pos)] ] to get vals as vars: >> tn,fp,fn,tp=confusion_matrix(y_test,y_hat_test).ravel() ''') return fig
[docs]def thiels_U(ys_true=None, ys_pred=None,display_equation=True,display_table=True): """Calculate's Thiel's U metric for forecasting accuracy. Accepts true values and predicted values. Returns Thiel's U""" from IPython.display import Markdown, Latex, display import numpy as np display(Markdown("")) eqn=" $$U = \\sqrt{\\frac{ \\sum_{t=1 }^{n-1}\\left(\\frac{\\bar{Y}_{t+1} - Y_{t+1}}{Y_t}\\right)^2}{\\sum_{t=1 }^{n-1}\\left(\\frac{Y_{t+1} - Y_{t}}{Y_t}\\right)^2}}$$" # url="['Explanation'](" markdown_explanation ="|Thiel's U Value | Interpretation |\n\ | --- | --- |\n\ | <1 | Forecasting is better than guessing| \n\ | 1 | Forecasting is about as good as guessing| \n\ |>1 | Forecasting is worse than guessing| \n" if display_equation and display_table: display(Latex(eqn),Markdown(markdown_explanation))#, Latex(eqn)) elif display_equation: display(Latex(eqn)) elif display_table: display(Markdown(markdown_explanation)) if ys_true is None and ys_pred is None: return # sum_list = [] num_list=[] denom_list=[] for t in range(len(ys_true)-1): num_exp = (ys_pred[t+1] - ys_true[t+1])/ys_true[t] num_list.append([num_exp**2]) denom_exp = (ys_true[t+1] - ys_true[t])/ys_true[t] denom_list.append([denom_exp**2]) U = np.sqrt( np.sum(num_list) / np.sum(denom_list)) return U
# def my_rmse(y_true,y_pred): # """RMSE calculation using keras.backend""" # from keras import backend as kb # sq_err = kb.square(y_pred - y_true) # mse = kb.mean(sq_err,axis=-1) # rmse =kb.sqrt(mse) # return rmse
[docs]def quick_ref_pandas_freqs(): from IPython.display import Markdown, display mkdwn_notes = """ - **Pandas Frequency Abbreviations**<br><br> | Alias | Description | |----|-----| |B| business day frequency| |C| custom business day frequency| |D| calendar day frequency| |W| weekly frequency| |M| month end frequency| |SM| semi-month end frequency (15th and end of month)| |BM| business month end frequency| |CBM| custom business month end frequency| |MS| month start frequency| |SMS| semi-month start frequency (1st and 15th)| |BMS| business month start frequency| |CBMS| custom business month start frequency| |Q| quarter end frequency| |BQ| business quarter end frequency| |QS| quarter start frequency| |BQS| business quarter start frequency| |A|, Y year end frequency| |BA|, BY business year end frequency| |AS|, YS year start frequency| |BAS|, BYS business year start frequency| |BH| business hour frequency| |H| hourly frequency| |T|, min minutely frequency| |S| secondly frequency| |L|, ms milliseconds| |U|, us microseconds| |N| nanoseconds| """ # **Time/data properties of Timestamps**<br><br> # |Property| Description| # |---|---| # |year| The year of the datetime| # |month| The month of the datetime| # |day| The days of the datetime| # |hour| The hour of the datetime| # |minute| The minutes of the datetime| # |second| The seconds of the datetime| # |microsecond| The microseconds of the datetime| # |nanosecond| The nanoseconds of the datetime| # |date| Returns (does not contain timezone information)| # |time| Returns datetime.time (does not contain timezone information)| # |timetz| Returns datetime.time as local time with timezone information| # |dayofyear| The ordinal day of year| # |weekofyear| The week ordinal of the year| # |week| The week ordinal of the year| # |dayofweek| The number of the day of the week with Monday=0, Sunday=6| # |weekday| The number of the day of the week with Monday=0, Sunday=6| # |weekday_name| The name of the day in a week (ex: Friday)| # |quarter| Quarter of the date: Jan-Mar = 1, Apr-Jun = 2, etc.| # |days_in_month| The number of days in the month of the datetime| # |is_month_start| Logical indicating if first day of month (defined by frequency)| # |is_month_end| Logical indicating if last day of month (defined by frequency)| # |is_quarter_start| Logical indicating if first day of quarter (defined by frequency)| # |is_quarter_end| Logical indicating if last day of quarter (defined by frequency)| # |is_year_start| Logical indicating if first day of year (defined by frequency)| # |is_year_end| Logical indicating if last day of year (defined by frequency)| # |is_leap_year| Logical indicating if the date belongs to a leap year| # """ display(Markdown(mkdwn_notes)) return
## REFERNCE FOR CONTENTS OF CONFIG (for writing function below)
[docs]def make_model_menu(model1, multi_index=True): import pandas as pd from IPython.display import display import ipywidgets as widgets from ipywidgets import interact, interactive, interactive_output from bs_ds import list2df def get_model_config_df(model1, multi_index=True): model_config_dict = model1.get_config() model_layer_list=model_config_dict['layers'] output = [['#','layer_name', 'layer_config_level','layer_param','param_value']]#,'param_sub_value','param_sub_value_details' ]] for num,layer_dict in enumerate(model_layer_list): # layer_dict = model_layer_list[0] # layer_dict['config'].keys() # config_keys = list(layer_dict.keys()) # combine class and name into 1 column layer_class = layer_dict['class_name'] layer_name = layer_dict['config'].pop('name') col_000 = f"{num}: {layer_class}" col_00 = layer_name#f"{layer_class} ({layer_name})" # get layer's config dict layer_config = layer_dict['config'] # config_keys = list(layer_config.keys()) # for each parameter in layer_config for param_name,col2_v_or_dict in layer_config.items(): # col_1 is the key( name of param) # col_1 = param_name # check the contents of col2_: # if list, append col2_, fill blank cols if isinstance(col2_v_or_dict,dict)==False: col_0 = 'top-level' col_1 = param_name col_2 = col2_v_or_dict output.append([col_000,col_00,col_0,col_1 ,col_2])#,col_3,col_4]) # else, set col_2 as the param name, if isinstance(col2_v_or_dict,dict): param_sub_type = col2_v_or_dict['class_name'] col_0 = param_name +' ('+param_sub_type+'):' # then loop through keys,vals of col_2's dict for col3,4 param_dict = col2_v_or_dict['config'] for sub_param,sub_param_val in param_dict.items(): col_1 =sub_param col_2 = sub_param_val col_3 = '' output.append([col_000,col_00,col_0, col_1 ,col_2])#,col_3,col_4]) df = list2df(output) if multi_index==True: df.sort_values(by=['#','layer_config_level'], ascending=False,inplace=True) df.set_index(['#','layer_name','layer_config_level','layer_param'],inplace=True) #=pd.MultiIndex() return df # def model_layer_config_menu(df): import ipywidgets as widgets from IPython.display import display from ipywidgets import interact, interactive import pandas as pd # from IPython.html.widgets import interactive ## SOLUION for getting values layer_names = pd.MultiIndex.get_level_values(df.index,level=0).unique().to_list() param_level = pd.MultiIndex.get_level_values(df.index, level=2).unique().to_list() # items = ['All']+sorted(df['layer_name'].unique().tolist()) # layer_names.append('All') # 'All'+layer_names[:]#+param_level] layer_names=sorted(layer_names) layer_names.append('All') layer_levels = param_level layer_levels.append('All') def view(df=df,layer_num='',param_level=''): import pandas as pd idx = pd.IndexSlice if layer_num=='All': # df = df.sort_index(by='#') if param_level=='All': # return display(df.sort_index(by='#')) # return display(df.sort_index(by='#')) df_out=df else: # return display(df.loc[idx[:,:,param_level],:])#display(df.xs(param_level,level=2).sort_index(by='#')) # return display(df.loc[idx[:,:,param_level],:].sort_index(by='#'))#display(df.xs(param_level,level=2).sort_index(by='#')) df_out = df.loc[idx[:,:,param_level],:] else: if param_level=='All': # return display(df.loc[idx[layer_num,:,:],:])#display(df.xs(layer_num,level=0)) # return display(df.loc[idx[layer_num,:,:],:].sort_index(by='#'))#display(df.xs(layer_num,level=0)) df_out = df.loc[idx[layer_num,:,:],:] else: # return display(df.loc[idx[layer_num,:, param_level],:])#display(df.loc[layer][:][level]) #[df.xs(layer)]) # return display(df.loc[idx[layer_num,:, param_level],:].sort_index(by='#'))#display(df.loc[layer][:][level]) #[df.xs(layer)]) df_out = df.loc[idx[layer_num,:, param_level],:] display(df_out.sort_index(by='#').style.set_caption('Model Layer Parameters')) return df_out w = widgets.Select(options=layer_names,value='All',description='Layer #') # interactive(view,layer=w) w2 = widgets.Select(options=layer_levels,value='All',desription='Level') # interactive(view,layer=w,level=w2) out= widgets.interactive_output(view,{'layer_num':w,'param_level':w2}) return widgets.VBox([widgets.HBox([w,w2]),out]) ## APPLYING FUNCTIONS df = get_model_config_df(model1,multi_index=True) return model_layer_config_menu(df)
# interactive(view, Menu) #layer=Menu.children[0],level=Menu.children[1]) # df.head()
[docs]def make_qgrid_model_menu(model, return_df = False): df=get_model_config_df(model) import qgrid from IPython.display import display import pandas as pd pd.set_option('display.max_rows',None) qgrid_menu = qgrid.show_grid(df, grid_options={'highlightSelectedCell':True}, show_toolbar=True) display(qgrid_menu) if return_df: return df else: return
[docs]def get_model_config_df(model1, multi_index=True): import pandas as pd from bs_ds import list2df pd.set_option('display.max_rows',None) model_config_dict = model1.get_config() model_layer_list=model_config_dict['layers'] output = [['#','layer_name', 'layer_config_level','layer_param','param_value']]#,'param_sub_value','param_sub_value_details' ]] for num,layer_dict in enumerate(model_layer_list): # layer_dict = model_layer_list[0] # layer_dict['config'].keys() # config_keys = list(layer_dict.keys()) # combine class and name into 1 column layer_class = layer_dict['class_name'] layer_name = layer_dict['config'].pop('name') # col_000 = f"{num}: {layer_class}" # col_00 = layer_name#f"{layer_class} ({layer_name})" # get layer's config dict layer_config = layer_dict['config'] # config_keys = list(layer_config.keys()) # for each parameter in layer_config for param_name,col2_v_or_dict in layer_config.items(): # col_1 is the key( name of param) # col_1 = param_name col_000 = f"{num}: {layer_class}" ### DETERMINE LAYER_NAME WITH UNITS OF if 'units' in layer_config.keys(): units = layer_config['units'] #col2_v_or_dict col_00 = layer_name+' ('+str(units)+' units)' elif 'batch_input_shape' in layer_config.keys(): input_length = layer_config['input_length'] output_dim = layer_config['output_dim'] col_00 = layer_name+' \n('+str(input_length)+' words, '+str(output_dim)+')' else: col_00 = layer_name#+' '+f"({}"#f"{layer_class} ({layer_name})" # check the contents of col2_: # if list, append col2_, fill blank cols if isinstance(col2_v_or_dict,dict)==False: col_0 = 'top-level' col_1 = param_name col_2 = col2_v_or_dict output.append([col_000,col_00,col_0,col_1 ,col_2])#,col_3,col_4]) # else, set col_2 as the param name, if isinstance(col2_v_or_dict,dict): param_sub_type = col2_v_or_dict['class_name'] col_0 = param_name +' ('+param_sub_type+'):' # then loop through keys,vals of col_2's dict for col3,4 param_dict = col2_v_or_dict['config'] for sub_param,sub_param_val in param_dict.items(): col_1 =sub_param col_2 = sub_param_val # col_3 = '' output.append([col_000,col_00,col_0, col_1 ,col_2])#,col_3,col_4]) df = list2df(output) if multi_index==True: df.sort_values(by=['#','layer_config_level'], ascending=False,inplace=True) df.set_index(['#','layer_name','layer_config_level','layer_param'],inplace=True) #=pd.MultiIndex() df.sort_index(level=0, inplace=True) return df
from sklearn.model_selection._split import _BaseKFold
[docs]class BlockTimeSeriesSplit(_BaseKFold): #sklearn.model_selection.TimeSeriesSplit): """A variant of sklearn.model_selection.TimeSeriesSplit that keeps train_size and test_size constant across folds. Requires n_splits,train_size,test_size. train_size/test_size can be integer indices or float ratios """ def __init__(self, n_splits=5,train_size=None, test_size=None, step_size=None, method='sliding'): super().__init__(n_splits, shuffle=False, random_state=None) self.train_size = train_size self.test_size = test_size self.step_size = step_size if 'sliding' in method or 'normal' in method: self.method = method else: raise Exception("Method may only be 'normal' or 'sliding'")
[docs] def split(self,X,y=None, groups=None): import numpy as np import math method = self.method ## Get n_samples, trian_size, test_size, step_size n_samples = len(X) test_size = self.test_size train_size =self.train_size ## If train size and test sze are ratios, calculate number of indices if train_size<1.0: train_size = math.floor(n_samples*train_size) if test_size <1.0: test_size = math.floor(n_samples*test_size) ## Save the sizes (all in integer form) self._train_size = train_size self._test_size = test_size ## calcualte and save k_fold_size k_fold_size = self._test_size + self._train_size self._k_fold_size = k_fold_size indices = np.arange(n_samples) ## Verify there is enough data to have non-overlapping k_folds if method=='normal': import warnings if n_samples // self._k_fold_size <self.n_splits: warnings.warn('The train and test sizes are too big for n_splits using method="normal"\n\ switching to method="sliding"') method='sliding' self.method='sliding' if method=='normal': margin = 0 for i in range(self.n_splits): start = i * k_fold_size stop = start+k_fold_size ## change mid to match my own needs mid = int(start+self._train_size) yield indices[start: mid], indices[mid + margin: stop] elif method=='sliding': step_size = self.step_size if step_size is None: ## if no step_size, calculate one ## DETERMINE STEP_SIZE last_possible_start = n_samples-self._k_fold_size #index[-1]-k_fold_size)\ step_range = range(last_possible_start) step_size = len(step_range)//self.n_splits self._step_size = step_size for i in range(self.n_splits): if i==0: start = 0 else: start = prior_start+self._step_size #(i * step_size) stop = start+k_fold_size ## change mid to match my own needs mid = int(start+self._train_size) prior_start = start yield indices[start: mid], indices[mid: stop]
[docs]def get_model_preds_from_gen(model,test_generator, true_test_data, model_params=None, n_input=None, n_features=None, suffix=None, verbose=0,return_df=True): """ Gets prediction from model using the generator's timeseries using model.predict_generator() Must provide a model_params dictionary with 'input_params' OR must define ('n_input','n_features'). """ import pandas as pd import numpy as np if model_params is not None: n_input= model_params['input_params']['n_input'] n_features = model_params['input_params']['n_features'] if model_params is None: if n_input is None: n_input= test_generator.length if n_features is None:[0].shape[0] # GET TRUE VALUES AND DATETIME INDEX FROM GENERATOR # Get true time index from the generator's start_index and end_index gen_index = true_test_data.index[test_generator.start_index:test_generator.end_index+1] gen_true_targets = test_generator.targets[test_generator.start_index:test_generator.end_index+1] # Generate predictions from the test_generator gen_preds = model.predict_generator(test_generator) gen_preds_flat = gen_preds.ravel() gen_true_targets = gen_true_targets.ravel() # RETURN OUTPUT AS DATAFRAME OR ARRAY OF PREDS if return_df == False: return gen_preds else: # Combine the outputs if verbose>0: print(len(gen_index),len(gen_true_targets), len(gen_preds_flat)) gen_pred_df = pd.DataFrame({'index':gen_index,'true':gen_true_targets,'pred':gen_preds_flat}) gen_pred_df['index'] = pd.to_datetime(gen_pred_df['index']) gen_pred_df.set_index('index',inplace=True) if suffix is not None: colnames = [name+suffix for name in gen_pred_df.columns] else: colnames = gen_pred_df.columns gen_pred_df.columns=colnames return gen_pred_df
[docs]def save_ihelp_to_file(function,save_help=False,save_code=True, as_md=False,as_txt=True, folder='readme_resources/ihelp_outputs/', filename=None,file_mode='w'): """Saves the string representation of the ihelp source code as markdown. Filename should NOT have an extension. .txt or .md will be added based on as_md/as_txt. If filename is None, function name is used.""" if as_md & as_txt: raise Exception('Only one of as_md / as_txt may be true.') import sys from io import StringIO ## save original output to restore orig_output = sys.stdout ## instantiate io stream to capture output io_out = StringIO() ## Redirect output to output stream sys.stdout = io_out if save_code: print('### SOURCE:') help_md = get_source_code_markdown(function) ## print output to io_stream print(help_md) if save_help: print('### HELP:') help(function) ## Get printed text from io stream text_to_save = io_out.getvalue() ## MAKE FULL FILENAME if filename is None: ## Find the name of the function import re func_names_exp = re.compile('def (\w*)\(') func_name = func_names_exp.findall(text_to_save)[0] print(f'Found code for {func_name}') save_filename = folder+func_name#+'.txt' else: save_filename = folder+filename if as_md: ext = '.md' elif as_txt: ext='.txt' full_filename = save_filename + ext with open(full_filename,file_mode) as f: f.write(text_to_save) print(f'Output saved as {full_filename}') sys.stdout = orig_output
[docs]def get_source_code_markdown(function): """Retrieves the source code as a string and appends the markdown python syntax notation""" import inspect from IPython.display import display, Markdown source_DF = inspect.getsource(function) output = "```python" +'\n'+source_DF+'\n'+"```" return output
[docs]def save_ihelp_menu_to_file(function_list, filename,save_help=False,save_code=True, folder='readme_resources/ihelp_outputs/',as_md=True, as_txt=False,verbose=1): """Accepts a list of functions and uses save_ihelp_to_file with mode='a' to combine all outputs. Note: this function REQUIRES a filename""" if as_md: ext='.md' elif as_txt: ext='.txt' for function in function_list: save_ihelp_to_file(function=function,save_help=save_help, save_code=save_code, as_md=as_md, as_txt=as_txt,folder=folder, filename=filename,file_mode='a') if verbose>0: print(f'Functions saved as {folder+filename+ext}')