Source code for bs_ds.bs_ds

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""Main Moule of Data Pipelines and Data Transformation functions & classes."""
# import pandas as pd
# import numpy as np
# import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# import matplotlib as mpl
# import seaborn as sns
# import scipy.stats as sts
from IPython.display import display

[docs]def list2df(list, index_col=None, set_caption=None, return_df=True,df_kwds={}): #, sort_values='index'): """ Quick turn an appened list with a header (row[0]) into a pretty dataframe. Args list (list of lists): index_col (string): name of column to set as index; None (Default) has integer index. set_caption (string): show_and_return (bool): EXAMPLE USE: >> list_results = [["Test","N","p-val"]] # ... run test and append list of result values ... >> list_results.append([test_Name,length(data),p]) ## Displays styled dataframe if caption: >> df = list2df(list_results, index_col="Test", set_caption="Stat Test for Significance") """ from IPython.display import display import pandas as pd df_list = pd.DataFrame(list[1:],columns=list[0],**df_kwds) if index_col is not None: df_list.reset_index(inplace=True) df_list.set_index(index_col, inplace=True) if set_caption is not None: dfs = display(dfs) return df_list
[docs]def make_gdrive_file_url(share_url_from_gdrive): raise Exception('You want to use "convert_gdrive_url()"')
[docs]def convert_gdrive_url(share_url_from_gdrive): """accepts gdrive share url with format '` and returns a pandas-usable link with format '''""" import re file_id = re.compile(r'id=(.*)') fid = file_id.findall(share_url_from_gdrive) prepend_url = '' output_url = prepend_url + fid[0] return output_url
[docs]class LabelLibrary(): """A Multi-column version of sklearn LabelEncoder, which fits a LabelEncoder to each column of a df and stores it in the index dictionary where .index[keyword=colname] returns the fit encoder object for that column. Example: lib =LabelLibrary() # Be default, lib will fit all columns. # Can also specify columns,columns=['A','B']) # Can then transform df_coded = lib.transform(df,['A','B']) # Can also use fit_transform df_coded = lib.fit_transform(df,columns=['A','B']) # lib.index contains each col's encoder by col name: col_a_classes = lib.index('A').classes_ """
[docs] def __init__(self):#,df,features): """creates self.index and self.encoder""" self.index = {} from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder as encoder self.encoder=encoder
# self. = df # self.features = features
[docs] def fit(self,df,columns=None): """ Creates an encoder object and fits to each columns. Fit encoder is saved in the index dictionary by key=column_name""" if columns==None: columns = df.columns # if any(df.isna()) == True: # num_null = sum(df.isna().sum()) # print(f'Replacing {num_null}# of null values with "NaN".') # df.fillna('NaN',inplace=True) for col in columns: if any(df[col].isna()): num_null = df[col].isna().sum() Warning(f'For {col}: Replacing {num_null} null values with "NaN".') df[col].fillna('NaN',inplace=True) # make the encoder col_encoder = self.encoder() #fit with label encoder self.index[col] =[col])
[docs] def transform(self,df, columns=None): import pandas as pd df_coded = pd.DataFrame() if columns==None: df_columns=df.columns columns = df_columns else: df_columns = df.columns for dfcol in df_columns: if dfcol in columns: fit_enc = self.index[dfcol] df_coded[dfcol] = fit_enc.transform(df[dfcol]) else: df_coded[dfcol] = df[dfcol] return df_coded
[docs] def fit_transform(self,df,columns=None):,columns) df_coded = self.transform(df,columns) return df_coded
[docs] def inverse_transform(self,df,columns = None): import pandas as pd df_reverted = pd.DataFrame() if columns==None: columns=df.columns for col in columns: fit_enc = self.index[col] df_reverted[col] = fit_enc.inverse_transform(df[col]) return df_reverted
## James' Tree Classifier/Regressor # def tune_params_trees (helpers: performance_r2_mse, performance_roc_auc)
[docs]def performance_r2_mse(y_true, y_pred): """ Calculates and returns the performance score between true and predicted values based on the metric chosen. """ from sklearn.metrics import r2_score from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error as mse r2 = r2_score(y_true,y_pred) MSE = mse(y_true,y_pred) return r2, MSE
# def performance_roc_auc(X_test,y_test,dtc,verbose=False):
[docs]def performance_roc_auc(y_true,y_pred): """Tests the results of an already-fit classifer. Takes y_true (test split), and y_pred (model.predict()), returns the AUC for the roc_curve as a %""" from sklearn.metrics import roc_curve, auc FP_rate, TP_rate, _ = roc_curve(y_true,y_pred) roc_auc = auc(FP_rate,TP_rate) roc_auc_perc = round(roc_auc*100,3) return roc_auc_perc
[docs]def tune_params_trees(param_name, param_values, DecisionTreeObject, X,Y,test_size=0.25,perform_metric='r2_mse'): '''Test Decision Tree Regressor or Classifier parameter with the values in param_values Displays color-coed dataframe of perfomance results and subplot line graphs. Parameters: parame_name (str) name of parameter to test with values param_values param_values (list/array), list of parameter values to try DecisionTreeObject, Existing DecisionTreeObject instance. perform_metric Can either 'r2_mse' or 'roc_auc'. Returns: - df of results - Displays styled-df - Displays subplots of performance metrics. ''' from bs_ds import list2df from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(test_size=test_size) # Create results depending on performance metric if perform_metric=='r2_mse': results = [['param_name','param_value','r2_test','MSE_test']] elif perform_metric=='roc_auc': results = [['param_name','param_value','roc_auc_test']] print(f'Using performance metrics: {perform_metric}') # Rename Deicision Tree for looping dtr_tune = DecisionTreeObject # Loop through each param_value for value in param_values: # Set the parameters and fit the model dtr_tune.set_params(**{param_name:value}),y_train) # Get predicitons and test_performance y_preds = dtr_tune.predict(X_test) # Perform correct performance metric and append results if perform_metric=='r2_mse': r2_test, mse_test = performance_r2_mse(y_test,y_preds) results.append([param_name,value,r2_test,mse_test]) elif perform_metric=='roc_auc': roc_auc_test = performance_roc_auc(y_test,y_preds) results.append([param_name,value,roc_auc_test]) # Convert results to dataframe, set index df_results = list2df(results) df_results.set_index('param_value',inplace=True) # Plot the values in results df_results.plot(subplots=True,sharex=True) # Style dataframe for easy visualization import seaborn as sns cm = sns.light_palette("green", as_cmap=True) df_style =,subset=['r2_test','MSE_test'])#,low=results.min(),high=results.max()) # Display styled dataframe from IPython.display import display display(df_style) return df_results
# Display graphviz tree
[docs]def viz_tree(tree_object): '''Takes a Sklearn Decision Tree and returns a png image using graph_viz and pydotplus.''' # Visualize the decision tree using graph viz library from sklearn.externals.six import StringIO from IPython.display import Image from sklearn.tree import export_graphviz import pydotplus dot_data = StringIO() export_graphviz(tree_object, out_file=dot_data, filled=True, rounded=True,special_characters=True) graph = pydotplus.graph_from_dot_data(dot_data.getvalue()) tree_viz = Image(graph.create_png()) return tree_viz
# #### Cohen's d # def Cohen_d(group1, group2): # '''Compute Cohen's d. # # taken directly from lesson. # # group1: Series or NumPy array # # group2: Series or NumPy array # # returns a floating point number # ''' # diff = group1.mean() - group2.mean() # n1, n2 = len(group1), len(group2) # var1 = group1.var() # var2 = group2.var() # # Calculate the pooled threshold as shown earlier # pooled_var = (n1 * var1 + n2 * var2) / (n1 + n2) # # Calculate Cohen's d statistic # d = diff / np.sqrt(pooled_var) # return d #####
[docs]def subplot_imshow(images, num_images,num_rows, num_cols, figsize=(20,15)): ''' Takes image data and plots a figure with subplots for as many images as given. Parameters: ----------- images: str, data in form data.images ie. olivetti images num_images: int, number of images num_rows: int, number of rows to plot. num_cols: int, number of columns to plot figize: tuple, size of figure default=(20,15) returns: figure with as many subplots as images given ''' import matplotlib.pyplot as plt fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize) for i in range(num_images): ax = fig.add_subplot(num_rows,num_cols, i+1, xticks=[], yticks=[]) ax.imshow(images[i],cmap=plt.gray) return fig, ax
##### ###########
[docs]def plot_wide_kde_thin_mean_sem_bars(series1,sname1, series2, sname2): '''EDA / Hypothesis Testing: Two subplot EDA figure that plots series1 vs. series 2 against with sns.displot Large wide kde plot with small thing mean +- standard error of the mean (sem) Overlapping sem error bars is an excellent visual indicator of significant difference. .''' ## ADDING add_gridspec usage import pandas as pd import numpy as np from scipy.stats import sem import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib as mpl import matplotlib.ticker as ticker import seaborn as sns from matplotlib import rcParams from matplotlib import rc rcParams[''] = 'serif' # Plot distributions of discounted vs full price groups'default') # with'tableau-colorblind10')): with'seaborn-notebook')): ## ----------- DEFINE AESTHETIC CUSTOMIZATIONS ----------- ## # Axis Label fonts fontSuptitle ={'fontsize': 22, 'fontweight': 'bold', 'fontfamily':'serif'} fontTitle = {'fontsize': 10, 'fontweight': 'medium', 'fontfamily':'serif'} fontAxis = {'fontsize': 10, 'fontweight': 'medium', 'fontfamily':'serif'} fontTicks = {'fontsize': 8, 'fontweight':'medium', 'fontfamily':'serif'} ## --------- CREATE FIG BASED ON GRIDSPEC --------- ## plt.suptitle('Quantity of Units Sold', fontdict = fontSuptitle) # Create fig object and declare figsize fig = plt.figure(constrained_layout=True, figsize=(8,3)) # Define gridspec to create grid coordinates gs = fig.add_gridspec(nrows=1,ncols=10) # Assign grid space to ax with add_subplot ax0 = fig.add_subplot(gs[0,0:7]) ax1 = fig.add_subplot(gs[0,7:10]) #Combine into 1 list ax = [ax0,ax1] ### ------------------ SUBPLOT 1 ------------------ ### ## --------- Defining series1 and 2 for subplot 1------- ## ax[0].set_title('Histogram + KDE',fontdict=fontTitle) # Group 1: data, label, hist_kws and kde_kws plotS1 = {'data': series1, 'label': sname1.title(), 'hist_kws' : {'edgecolor': 'black', 'color':'darkgray','alpha': 0.8, 'lw':0.5}, 'kde_kws': {'color':'gray', 'linestyle': '--', 'linewidth':2, 'label':'kde'}} # Group 2: data, label, hist_kws and kde_kws plotS2 = {'data': series2, 'label': sname2.title(), 'hist_kws' : {'edgecolor': 'black','color':'green','alpha':0.8 ,'lw':0.5}, 'kde_kws': {'color':'darkgreen','linestyle':':','linewidth':3,'label':'kde'}} # plot group 1 sns.distplot(plotS1['data'], label=plotS1['label'], hist_kws = plotS1['hist_kws'], kde_kws = plotS1['kde_kws'], ax=ax[0]) # plot group 2 sns.distplot(plotS2['data'], label=plotS2['label'], hist_kws=plotS2['hist_kws'], kde_kws = plotS2['kde_kws'], ax=ax[0]) ax[0].set_xlabel(, fontdict=fontAxis) ax[0].set_ylabel('Kernel Density Estimation',fontdict=fontAxis) ax[0].tick_params(axis='both',labelsize=fontTicks['fontsize']) ax[0].legend() ### ------------------ SUBPLOT 2 ------------------ ### # Import scipy for error bars from scipy.stats import sem # Declare x y group labels(x) and bar heights(y) x = [plotS1['label'], plotS2['label']] y = [np.mean(plotS1['data']), np.mean(plotS2['data'])] yerr = [sem(plotS1['data']), sem(plotS2['data'])] err_kws = {'ecolor':'black','capsize':5,'capthick':1,'elinewidth':1} # Create the bar plot ax[1].bar(x,y,align='center', edgecolor='black', yerr=yerr,error_kw=err_kws,width=0.6) # Customize subplot 2 ax[1].set_title('Average Quantities Sold',fontdict=fontTitle) ax[1].set_ylabel('Mean +/- SEM ',fontdict=fontAxis) ax[1].set_xlabel('') ax[1].tick_params(axis=y,labelsize=fontTicks['fontsize']) ax[1].tick_params(axis=x,labelsize=fontTicks['fontsize']) ax1=ax[1] # test = ax1.get_xticklabels() # labels = [x.get_text() for x in test] ax1.set_xticklabels([plotS1['label'],plotS2['label']], rotation=45,ha='center') return fig,ax
# HTML(f"<style>{CSS}</style>")
[docs]def plot_confusion_matrix(cm, classes, normalize=False, title='Confusion matrix', cmap=None, print_matrix=True): """Check if Normalization Option is Set to True. If so, normalize the raw confusion matrix before visualizing #Other code should be equivalent to your previous function.""" import warnings warnings.warn('Future versions will be moving plot_confusion_matrix to bs_ds.glassboxes module.') import numpy as np import itertools import matplotlib.pyplot as plt if cmap==None: cmap = plt.get_cmap("Blues") if normalize: cm = cm.astype('float') / cm.sum(axis=1)[:, np.newaxis] print("Normalized confusion matrix") else: print('Confusion matrix, without normalization') print(cm) plt.imshow(cm, interpolation='nearest', cmap=cmap) plt.title(title) plt.colorbar() tick_marks = np.arange(len(classes)) plt.xticks(tick_marks, classes, rotation=45) plt.yticks(tick_marks, classes) fmt = '.2f' if normalize else 'd' thresh = cm.max() / 2. for i, j in itertools.product(range(cm.shape[0]), range(cm.shape[1])): plt.text(j, i, format(cm[i, j], fmt), horizontalalignment="center", color="white" if cm[i, j] > thresh else "black") plt.tight_layout() plt.ylabel('True label') plt.xlabel('Predicted label')
[docs]def column_report(df,index_col='iloc', sort_column='iloc', ascending=True,name_for_notes_col = 'Notes',notes_by_dtype=False, decision_map=None, format_dict=None, as_qgrid=True, qgrid_options=None, qgrid_column_options=None,qgrid_col_defs=None, qgrid_callback=None, as_df = False, as_interactive_df=False, show_and_return=True): """ Returns a datafarme summary of the columns, their dtype, a summary dataframe with the column name, column dtypes, and a `decision_map` dictionary of datatype. [!] Please note if qgrid does not display properly, enter this into your terminal and restart your temrinal. 'jupyter nbextension enable --py --sys-prefix qgrid'# required for qgrid 'jupyter nbextension enable --py --sys-prefix widgetsnbextension' # only required if you have not enabled the ipywidgets nbextension yet Default qgrid options: default_grid_options={ # SlickGrid options 'fullWidthRows': True, 'syncColumnCellResize': True, 'forceFitColumns': True, 'defaultColumnWidth': 50, 'rowHeight': 25, 'enableColumnReorder': True, 'enableTextSelectionOnCells': True, 'editable': True, 'autoEdit': False, 'explicitInitialization': True, # Qgrid options 'maxVisibleRows': 30, 'minVisibleRows': 8, 'sortable': True, 'filterable': True, 'highlightSelectedCell': True, 'highlightSelectedRow': True } """ from ipywidgets import interact import pandas as pd from IPython.display import display import qgrid small_col_width = 20 # default_col_options={'width':20} default_column_definitions={'column name':{'width':60}, '.iloc[:,i]':{'width':small_col_width}, 'dtypes':{'width':30}, '# zeros':{'width':small_col_width}, '# null':{'width':small_col_width},'% null':{'width':small_col_width}, name_for_notes_col:{'width':100}} default_grid_options={ # SlickGrid options 'fullWidthRows': True, 'syncColumnCellResize': True, 'forceFitColumns': True, 'defaultColumnWidth': 50, 'rowHeight': 25, 'enableColumnReorder': True, 'enableTextSelectionOnCells': True, 'editable': True, 'autoEdit': False, 'explicitInitialization': True, # Qgrid options 'maxVisibleRows': 30, 'minVisibleRows': 8, 'sortable': True, 'filterable': True, 'highlightSelectedCell': True, 'highlightSelectedRow': True } ## Set the params to defaults, to then be overriden column_definitions = default_column_definitions grid_options=default_grid_options # column_options = default_col_options if qgrid_options is not None: for k,v in qgrid_options.items(): grid_options[k]=v if qgrid_col_defs is not None: for k,v in qgrid_col_defs.items(): column_definitions[k]=v else: column_definitions = default_column_definitions # format_dict = {'sum':'${0:,.0f}', 'date': '{:%m-%Y}', 'pct_of_total': '{:.2%}'} # def count_col_zeros(df, columns=None): import pandas as pd import numpy as np # Make a list of keys for every column (for series index) zeros = pd.Series(index=df.columns) # use all cols by default if columns is None: columns=df.columns # get sum of zero values for each column for col in columns: zeros[col] = np.sum( df[col].values == 0) return zeros ## df_report = pd.DataFrame({'.iloc[:,i]': range(len(df.columns)), 'column name':df.columns, 'dtypes':df.dtypes.astype('str'), '# zeros': count_col_zeros(df), '# null': df.isna().sum(), '% null':df.isna().sum().divide(df.shape[0]).mul(100).round(2)}) ## Sort by index_col if 'iloc' in index_col: index_col = '.iloc[:,i]' df_report.set_index(index_col ,inplace=True) ## Add additonal column with notes # decision_map_keys = ['by_name', 'by_dtype','by_iloc'] if decision_map is None: decision_map ={} decision_map['by_dtype'] = {'object':'Check if should be one hot coded', 'int64':'May be class object, or count of a ', 'bool':'one hot', 'float64':'drop and recalculate'} if notes_by_dtype: df_report[name_for_notes_col] = df_report['dtypes'].map(decision_map['by_dtype'])#column_list else: df_report[name_for_notes_col] = '' #'DF Columns, Dtypes, and Course of Action') ## Sort column if sort_column is None: sort_column = '.iloc[:,i]' if 'iloc' in sort_column: sort_column = '.iloc[:,i]' df_report.sort_values(by =sort_column,ascending=ascending, axis=0, inplace=True) if as_df: if show_and_return: display(df_report) return df_report elif as_qgrid: print('[i] qgrid returned. Use gqrid.get_changed_df() to get edited df back.') qdf = qgrid.show_grid(df_report,grid_options=grid_options, column_options=qgrid_column_options, column_definitions=column_definitions,row_edit_callback=qgrid_callback ) if show_and_return: display(qdf) return qdf elif as_interactive_df: @interact(column= df_report.columns,direction={'ascending':True,'descending':False}) def sort_df(column, direction): return df_report.sort_values(by=column,axis=0,ascending=direction) else: raise Exception('One of the output options must be true: `as_qgrid`,`as_df`,`as_interactive_df`')
#################### GENERAL HELPER FUNCTIONS #####################
[docs]def is_var(name): x=[] try: eval(name) except NameError: x = None if x is None: return False else: return True